Flexible JavaScript dialog box
Flexible Dialog Box
I got tired to trying to get the jQuery UI dialog boxes to do what I wanted and decided to create a dialog box that is appropriate to my applications. If others find it useful, that will be nice.
The dialog-cl library is a Webpack project and is ES-6 compliant.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/dialog-cl/dist/dialog-cl.js"></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/dialog-cl/dist/dialog-cl.min.js"></script>
Package managers
npm: npm install dialog-cl --save
let dialog = new Dialog({
'resize': 'both',
'content': '<p>Dialog box contents</p>'
An options object is passed to the constructor. The option values are:
A string to use as the dialog box title. The default value is 'Dialog Box'.
let dialog = new Dialog({
'title': 'My Dialog Box'
A class to add to the dialog box top-level div. This can be used to modify the appearance of the dialog box, including setting the width, height, and the minimum and maximums for width and height.
let dialog = new Dialog({
'title': 'My Dialog Box',
'addClass': 'my-dialog-class',
The rest are from the Options.js source for now. I'll get around to translating them eventually.
/// Is this dialog box resizable?
/// Options are: 'none', 'vertical', 'horizontal'
this.resize = 'none';
/// Size of the border edge we can grab if resizable in pixels
this.grabSize = 4;
/// Array of title bar buttons to add.
/// If null, a close button is added automatically.
/// Otherwise, an array of objects, with these fields:
/// type: 'close' for a close button, 'custom' for custom button contents
/// contents: HTML to place inside button tag
/// click: Click handler
this.titleBarButtons = null;
/// Array of buttons for the bottom.
/// If null, a close button is added automatically.
/// Otherwise, an array of objects, with these fields:
/// contents: If provided, HTML to place inside button tag
/// click: Click handler
this.buttons = null;
/// Content to add to the dialog box. If null, none is added on creation.
this.content = null;
/// Is this a modal dialog box? If true, controls underneath are disabled.
this.modal = true;
Sometimes you just need a simple message box for things like "Are you sure you want to delete" and such. The MesssageBox object allows for very simple message boxes. There are currently these options.
Ok Message Box
new Dialog.MessageBox('This is important!',
'I am sure you are impressed',
function() {
Ok/Cancel Message Box
new Dialog.MessageBox('Are you sure?',
'Are you sure you want to delete Lansing?',
function() {
function() {
Copyright 2016-2018 Michigan States University
dialog-cl is released under the MIT license.
Written and maintained by Charles B. Owen