TypeScript client for Dhan API v2
A robust TypeScript client library for the Dhan API v2, providing a seamless interface to interact with the Dhan trading platform. This library enables developers to easily integrate trading functionalities, manage portfolios, access market data, and more.
- Simple and intuitive API interface
- Comprehensive coverage of Dhan API v2 endpoints
- TypeScript support for better type safety and developer experience
- Real-time market data and order updates via WebSocket
- Mock live feed support for testing and development
- Support for various order types and exchange segments
- Extensive portfolio management capabilities
- Live order update tracking
Table of Contents
Official Documentation
Install the package using npm:
npm install dhan-ts
Or using yarn:
yarn add dhan-ts
Quick Start
Here's a quick example to get you started:
import {
} from "dhan-ts";
// Initialize the client
const config: DhanConfig = {
accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
env: DhanEnv.PROD,
const client = new DhanHqClient(config);
// Place an order
async function placeOrder() {
const orderRequest = {
dhanClientId: config.clientId,
transactionType: TransactionType.BUY,
exchangeSegment: ExchangeSegment.NSE_EQ,
productType: ProductType.INTRADAY,
orderType: OrderType.LIMIT,
validity: Validity.DAY,
securityId: "9362", // Example security ID
quantity: 1,
price: 1500,
disclosedQuantity: 0,
afterMarketOrder: false,
try {
const orderResponse = await client.orders.placeOrder(orderRequest);
console.log("Order placed:", orderResponse);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error placing order:", error);
Detailed Usage
Initialize the client with your configuration:
const config: DhanConfig = {
accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
env: DhanEnv.PROD,
const client = new DhanHqClient(config);
// Place an order
const orderResponse = await client.orders.placeOrder(orderRequest);
// Get all orders
const allOrders = await client.orders.getOrders();
// Get order by ID
const order = await client.orders.getOrderById("ORDER_ID");
// Get order by correlation ID
const orderByCorrelationId = await client.orders.getOrderByCorrelationId(
// Modify an order
const modifiedOrder = await client.orders.modifyOrder("ORDER_ID", {
dhanClientId: config.clientId,
orderType: OrderType.LIMIT,
quantity: 1,
price: 1550,
disclosedQuantity: 0,
validity: Validity.DAY,
// Cancel an order
const cancelledOrder = await client.orders.cancelOrder("ORDER_ID");
// Get trades
const trades = await client.orders.getTrades();
// Get trades by order ID
const tradesByOrderId = await client.orders.getTradesByOrderId("ORDER_ID");
// Get holdings
const holdings = await client.portfolio.getHoldings();
// Get positions
const positions = await client.portfolio.getPositions();
Market Data
// Get LTP (Last Traded Price)
const ltp = await client.marketData.getLTP({
NSE_EQ: ["9362"],
// Get OHLC
const ohlc = await client.marketData.getOHLC({
NSE_EQ: ["9362"],
// Get full quote
const quote = await client.marketData.getQuote({
NSE_EQ: ["9362"],
// Get historical daily data
const historical = await client.marketData.getDailyHistoricalData({
securityId: "9362",
exchangeSegment: ExchangeSegmentText.NSE_EQ,
instrument: InstrumentToken.EQUITY,
toDate: "2024-10-04",
fromDate: "2024-09-01",
// Get intraday historical data
const intraday = await client.marketData.getIntradayHistoricalData({
securityId: "9362",
exchangeSegment: ExchangeSegmentText.NSE_EQ,
instrument: InstrumentToken.EQUITY,
interval: "5",
toDate: "2024-10-04",
fromDate: "2024-10-01",
Live Feed
import {
} from "dhan-ts";
const feed = new DhanFeed(config);
// Connect to live feed
await feed.liveFeed.connect();
// Subscribe to instruments
const instruments: Instrument[] = [[ExchangeSegment.NSE_EQ, "9362"]];
feed.liveFeed.subscribe(instruments, FeedRequestCode.SUBSCRIBE_FULL);
// Listen for data
feed.liveFeed.on("data", (data) => {
console.log("Received live feed data:", data);
// Handle errors
feed.liveFeed.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("LiveFeed error:", error);
Mock Live Feed
// Configure mock feed with security configs
"9362": {
minPrice: 2300,
maxPrice: 2450,
volatility: 0.3,
// Connect to mock feed
await feed.mockLiveFeed.connect();
// Set custom market hours if needed
start: "09:15",
end: "15:30",
days: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], // Monday to Friday
// Subscribe and handle data
feed.mockLiveFeed.subscribe(instruments, FeedRequestCode.SUBSCRIBE_TICKER);
feed.mockLiveFeed.on("data", (data) => {
console.log("Received mock feed data:", data);
Live Order Updates
// Set up order update listener
feed.liveOrderUpdate.on("orderUpdate", (update) => {
console.log("Received order update:", update);
feed.liveOrderUpdate.on("authenticated", () => {
console.log("Successfully authenticated");
feed.liveOrderUpdate.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("Live order update error:", error);
// Connect to order updates
await feed.liveOrderUpdate.connect();
// Get fund limits
const fundLimits = await client.funds.getFundLimit();
// Calculate margin
const marginCalculation = await client.funds.calculateMargin({
dhanClientId: config.clientId,
exchangeSegment: ExchangeSegment.NSE_EQ,
transactionType: TransactionType.BUY,
quantity: 1,
productType: ProductType.CNC,
securityId: "9362",
price: 1500,
// Generate TPIN
await client.edis.generateTpin();
// Generate EDIS form
const edisForm = await client.edis.generateEdisForm({
isin: "INE040A01034",
qty: 1,
exchange: "NSE",
segment: "E",
bulk: false,
// Check EDIS status
const edisStatus = await client.edis.inquireEdisStatus("INE040A01034");
Forever Orders
// Create forever order
const foreverOrder = await client.foreverOrders.createForeverOrder({
dhanClientId: config.clientId,
orderFlag: OrderFlag.SINGLE,
transactionType: TransactionType.BUY,
exchangeSegment: ExchangeSegment.NSE_EQ,
productType: ProductType.CNC,
orderType: OrderType.LIMIT,
validity: Validity.DAY,
securityId: "9362",
quantity: 1,
price: 1500,
triggerPrice: 1490,
// Get all forever orders
const allForeverOrders = await client.foreverOrders.getAllForeverOrders();
Traders Control
// Set kill switch
const killSwitchResponse = await client.tradersControl.setKillSwitch(
// Get ledger report
const ledgerReport = await client.statements.getLedgerReport(
// Get trade history
const tradeHistory = await client.statements.getTradeHistory(
Error Handling
The library uses promise-based APIs, so use try-catch blocks to handle errors:
try {
const order = await client.orders.placeOrder(orderRequest);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DhanError) {
console.error("Dhan API error:", error.message);
} else {
console.error("Unexpected error:", error);
Best Practices
- Always handle errors with proper error logging and fallback mechanisms
- Use environment variables for sensitive information (access tokens, client IDs)
- Implement rate limiting to avoid API throttling
- Utilize TypeScript types for better code reliability
- Close WebSocket connections when they're no longer needed
- Keep your access tokens secure and never expose them in client-side code
- Use mock live feed for testing and development purposes
- Implement proper error recovery for WebSocket disconnections
- Monitor order updates for critical trading operations
- Regular validation of market data integrity
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.