api wrapper for Dungeon and Fighterⓒ (dnf@korea) OpenAPI (powered by Neople OpenAPI) : support URL encoding, server name parsing, and ajax
api wrapper for Dungeon and Fighterⓒ (dnf@korea) OpenAPI (powered by Neople OpenAPI) : support URL encoding, server name parsing, and ajax
Getting started
Using npm:
$ npm install dfopenapi
var apikey = <apikey>; // published by neople
var dfopenapi = require('dfopenapi');
var api = dfopenapi({key:apikey});
in short, you can serve apikey as string
var api = require('dfopenapi')(<apikey>);
var apikey = <apikey>; // published by neople
var api = require('dfopenapi')({key:apikey});
{server: 'bakal', charname: 'DFCAT'},
function (res) {
{server: 'bakal', cid: 'ccae5367270d0c2516cfb92df1d14ed3'},
function (res) {
{itemname: '폭식', wordType: 'full'},
function (res) {
{itemId: 'c6a38ab8c7540cfc51ea2b0b8b610fa7', wordType: 'full'},
function (res) {
Support all apis powered by Neople OpenAPI
- Character Search
character.search({server: <server>, cname: <cname>[, limit: <limit>, wordType: <wordType>]})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y||| |cname|string|character nameURL encodingornot|Y||| |limit|integer|# rows of response||10|100| |wordType|string|match / start / full||match||
[{characterId, characterName, level, jobId, jobGrowId, jobName, jobGrowName}, ...]
- Character Timeline
character.timeline({server: <server>, cid: <charname>[, limit: <limit>, wordType: <wordType>]})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y||| |cid|string|character unique code(128bit hash)|Y||| |limit|integer|# rows of response||10|100| |code|string|timeline class code||||
base info + {timeline: {nextUrl, rows: [{code, name, date, data}, ...]}}
- Character Base Info
character.info.base({server: <server>, cid: <charname>})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y||| |cid|string|character unique code(128bit hash)|Y|||
{characterId, characterName, level, jobId, jobGrowId, jobName, jobGrowName, adventureName, guildId, guildName}
- Character Status Info
character.info.status({server: <server>, cid: <charname>})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y||| |cid|string|character unique code(128bit hash)|Y|||
base info + {buff:[모험단버프, 무제한 길드능력치, 기간제 길드능력치], status:[HP, MP, 힘, 지능,체력, 정신력, 물리 공격, 마법 공격, 독립 공격, 물리 방어, 마법 방어, 물리 크리티컬, 마법 크리티컬, 공격 속도, 캐스팅 속도, 이동 속도, 항마, 적중률, 회피율, HP 회복량, MP 회복량, 경직도, 히트리커버리, 화속성 강화, 화속성 저항, 수속성 강화, 수속성 저항, 명속성 강화, 명속성 저항, 암속성 강화, 암속성 저항 }
- Character Equipment Info
character.info.equip({server: <server>, cid: <charname>})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y||| |cid|string|character unique code(128bit hash)|Y|||
- Character Avatar Info
character.info.avatar({server: <server>, cid: <charname>})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y||| |cid|string|character unique code(128bit hash)|Y|||
base info + {avatar(array of each avatar)}
- Character Creature Info
character.info.creature({server: <server>, cid: <charname>})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y||| |cid|string|character unique code(128bit hash)|Y|||
- Character Flag Info
character.info.flag({server: <server>, cid: <charname>})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y||| |cid|string|character unique code(128bit hash)|Y|||
- Auction Search
auction.search({itemId: <itemId>, itemName: <itemName>[, minLevel: <minLevel>, maxLevel: <maxLevel>, rarity: <rarity>, minReinforce: <minReinforce>, maxReinforce: <maxReinforce>, minRefine: <minRefine>, maxRefine: <maxRefine>, unitPrice: <unitPrice>, reinforce: <reinforce>, auctionNo: <auctionNo>, limit: <limit>, wordType: <wordType>]})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |itemId|string||Y||| |itemName|string|item nameURL encodingornot|Y||| |minLevel|integer|minimum required level|||| |maxLevel|integer|maximum required level|||| |rarity|string|item rarity|||| |minReinforce|integer|minimum reinforce level|||| |maxReinforce|integer|maximum reinforce level|||| |minRefine|integer|minimum refine level|||| |maxRefine|integer|maximum refine level|||| |unitPrice|string|sort by item unit priceasc / desc|||| |reinforce|string|sort by reinforce levelasc / desc|||| |auctionNo|string|sort by auctionNoasc / desc|||| |limit|integer|# rows of response||10|100| |wordType|string|match / start / full||match||
itemId or itemName is required.
auctionNo: 'asc' is default unless any sort option is defined.
- Auction Detail
auction.detail({auctionNo: <auctionNo>})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |auctionNo|string||Y|||
- Item Search
item.search({itemName: <itemName>[, minLevel: <minLevel>, maxLevel: <maxLevel>, rarity: <rarity>, trade: <trade>, limit: <limit>, wordType: <wordType>]})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |itemName|string|item nameURL encodingornot|Y||| |minLevel|integer|minimum required level|||| |maxLevel|integer|maximum required level|||| |rarity|string|item rarity|||| |trade|boolean|can regist auction||false|| |limit|integer|# rows of response||10|100| |wordType|string|match / start / full||match||
- Item Detail
item.detail({itemId: <itemId>})
|parameter|type|description|required|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |itemId|string||Y|||
array of {characterId, characterName, level, jobId, jobGrowId, jobName, jobGrowName}
Legacy API in Officail Homepage
!! Legacy API is not recommanded. We have no responsiblilty for abusing this legacy api.
In officail homepage of dungeon and fighter, there is legacy api via http://df.nexon.com/FRM/info/charac_search_api.php for character search and view detail. It is for pure web browser, not for 3-party app like pris.kr.
Legacy api is not need apikey. So, it cannot be controlled by neople and can cause big traffic on neople server, and might access blocked from neople.
Legacy api is not separated by category (equip/avatar/...). Its response contains full information and it has redundant. Legacy api is not supported by Neople API, it is not up-to-date. For example, Neople API update to contain {adventureName, guildId, guildName} in base info in 20180104, however, legacy api is not contains adventrueName which is important for identifing unique user (or account).
Legacy api handles no (charac_no in response) for characterId. But it is different from Neople API's. You must be careful of mix legacy API with Neople API.
Legacy api contains avatar_image and occDate, not supported in Neople API.
DNF Web Avatar renderer(http://avatar.df.nexon.com/) uses charac_no in legacy API, not characterId in Neople API. So, if you want to contain avatar image on your service, you should use legacy API until Neople support avatar image url in Neople API. (Or merge no and characterId).
occDate in stat shows the time recent logout.
Character API
- Common API for Search / Detail
character.legacy.axios({mode: <mode>, no: <charname>, server: <server>})
|parameter|type|description|necessary|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |mode|string|search / detail|Y||| |no|string|character unique code(128bit hash)Differ from Neople API|Y||| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y|||
- Character Detail
character.legacy.character.info({no: <charac_no>, server: <server>})
|parameter|type|description|necessary|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |no|string|character unique code(128bit hash)Differ from Neople API|Y||| |server|string|server unique nameoruser defined server name|Y|||
Community API
- Common API for Community
character.legacy.request({url: <url>)
|parameter|type|description|necessary|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |url|string||Y|||
- Capture Board
character.legacy.community.api({type: <search_type>, keyword: <keyword>})
|parameter|type|description|necessary|default|maximum| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:--:|:-:|:-:| |type|string|charac_name / title|Y||| |keyword|string|character name / titleURL encodingornot|Y|||
For euc-kr decoding, use request insted of axios.
User Defined Server Name
dfopenapi contains server name parsing through parseServer.
Unique server name is like 'bakal', 'cain', however, you can use user defined server name like '바칼'. Even if you can use just 'B' for server name.
Wanna more, add additional set into parser in lib/parseServer.js like "dire": "diregie".
Smart URL encoding
dfopenapi contains URL Encoding process esc for username/itemname.
It use regular expression to check name is URL encoded. If it already already encoded, return string directly. Else, use querystring.escape to URL encoding.
So, you don't care about name is URL encoded or not.
Release Note
Include {adventureName, guildId, guildName} and trade property in item.search in 20180104 patch.
Include community capture crawler in official homepage legacy.community.capture
Divide single dfopenapi.js into each modules (api.js, auction.js, character.js, escape.js, item.js, legacy.js, parseServer.js)
Include character.timeline in 20180111 patch.