abstract base classes: object with private properties (weak map) + event emiiting model and collection + utils (ES6)
dfi-base - abstract classes written in ES6 with typescript:
base utils
- dfiObject - private properties implementation with WeakMap
- dfiEventObject - dfiObject extended with event emitter (correctly handling symbols as events)
- dfiUtils - utils collection
- maybeCallbackOnce
- maybeCallback
- obj2map
- cloneLiteral
- formatError
model + collection
backbone inspired event emitting model and collection with private properties(dfiObject)
- dfiModel - model representation
- get id - return set or autogenerated id
- get lastUpdate - return last obj modification.
- public destroy() - remove attributes and properties emit
- public toJSON() - return plain object with attributes only
- public toPlain()- return plain object with attributes and properties
- protected get() - get attribute
- protected set() - set attribute: if not set emmit DfiModel.events.ADD, always emit DfiModel.events.UPDATE
- protected has() - check attribute is set
- protected remove() - remove attribute: emmit DfiModel.events.REMOVE and DfiModel.events.UPDATE
- protected stampLastUpdate - mark object wit current timestamp
- dfiCollection - collection of dfiModels -implement Map object.
object event emitter with private properties model with attributes collection