``` tl:dr; So easy it'll make you feel like you're cheating at dialogflow ```
tl:dr; So easy it'll make you feel like you're cheating at dialogflow
Note: For the very impatient, go here: quickstart.md
df-cheatcodes is a library exposing useful aliases, shortcuts, functionality/sugar that can help teams quickly produce a rich browser-based conversational experience that they can put in front of real users for feedback & improvement. See below features.
Ex. Rich components the fast & easy way (notice no imports)
Ex. "$hortcut Cheats" to quickly jump around your conversational interface & expose rich functionality. (Think of these as similiar to deep links but here it's deep linking to functionality of your intelligent agent)
Plus a bunch of other stuff (helpers for working with API, frontend, external templates, random responses, retrieve/set data, etc)
Where to start?
If you've never really used DialogFlow before, start here & do the exercises to learn the basics: https://github.com/valgaze/dialogflow-speedrun
Also see for a curated list of tutorials, docs & other useful resources: https://github.com/valgaze/df-starter-kit/blob/master/docs/resources.md
Other Components
Fully-loaded DialogFlow "starter" project with an agent, fulfillment template, and a frontend that renders rich components. Also has various ergonomic features to speed development like live-reload, types, tunneling, easy deploy/bundling to a web server or optimized for cloud functions
A fun "retro" DialogFlow frontend interface that can render rich components with many conversational design & debugging tools. A "bundled" version is included with starter kit, this one you can edit or skin however you need
Most helpful for "frontend" tasks and transacating with DialogFlow APIs. Makes it easy to send plaintext, events, and requestdata
- Details: aogCheat.md
Collection of helpers to augment the actions-on-google library and make working with rich components, contexts, data, 3rd-party APIs, and other tasks faster & easier
- Details: api.md
Helpful items for transacting with the API, can optionally transform gRPC <> JSON for event, request data as required
- Details: shortcutCheat.md
A trick to expose 'shareable' (copy/paste, links) points of your conversation-- useful for debugging and for users who aren't interested in a 'chat'
- Details: requstCheat.md
Various helpers to help simplify building requests
Add this so your server routes can handle DialogFlow requests (events, text, requestdata, etc) from a frontend or other services
Ex. Easy server (could certainly be repurposed into a Cloud Function)
import express from "express";
import bodyParser from "body-parser";
import { endPointCheat } from "df-cheatcodes";
// Initialize simple server
const app = express();
// Prep credentials + config
import { project_id, client_email, private_key } from "./service-account.json";
const credentials = { project_id, client_email, private_key };
// all optional
const config = {
transformgrpc: false, // convert JSON to protostruct for requestData, event parameters, protostruct to JSON for responses
optimizeResponse: false, // combine webhookPayload + fulfillmentMessages
app.post("/chat", endpointCheat(credentials, config));
df-cheatcodes provides cheats using actions-on-google ^2.12.0
& dialogflow ^1.2.0
as peerDependencies.
This repo uses types & concepts from actions-on-google which itself is under apache license. At time of writing, it seemed that clearest/simplest thing to do is match that license in a notice-- accordingly, this repo conforms to the Apache 2.0 license