a debugger tool for js code development
if you want to debug the code and don't want to change the real data, you would like to use the test data.
it's a simple function to replace the real data with your test data in the development mode.
Command-line executable
npm i dev-debugger -S
Data replace
import DevDebugger from 'dev-debugger'
//if you rely on the enviroment, you can do it like this
let debug = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
let devDebugger = new DevDebugger({ debug })
let _r = devDebugger.debugVal.bind(devDebugger)
...some code
the real value of data is 1, the test value is 100 when debug is true
var data = _r(1, 100)
/* thing with data
Data replace By Tag
import DevDebugger from 'dev-debugger'
//if you rely on the enviroment, you can do it like this
let debug = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
let devDebugger = new DevDebugger({
caseName: 'testInit', //you need to tell what case to debug
cases: { //case names
'testInit': {
'baseData': 100 //supply value to the tag you name
'testEnd': {
'baseData': 0
let _rt = devDebugger.debugCaseTag.bind(devDebugger)
...some code
the real value of data is 1, the test value is 100 in case testInt and 0 in case testEnd
var data = _rt(1, 'baseData')
/* thing with data
Get the replace history
let history = devDebugger.debugHistory
Build with babel plugin
if you don't want to remove the 'dev-debugger' code, you can use the babel plugin babel-plugin-dev-debugger
install plugin
npm i babel-plugin-dev-debugger -D
plugin usage
you can change your file babel.config.js just like this
module.exports = {
"plugins": process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? ["babel-plugin-dev-debugger"] : []
use function debugVal or debugCaseTag just like the demo to avoid errors