Easiest API Framework Layer w/ Database agnostic ORM
Destination Framework
Painless API Creation Framework for Node.js w/ Database Agnostic Adapters.
npm install destination
Include the Destination Framework
var Destination = require('destination');
Install an Adapter, and start an objective:
var Objective = Destination.start(/* Express Application (app, generally) */, {
name: 'adapter name such as (mongodb)',
... Adapter Settings ...
Start defining objective Models, Property schema curtesy of Validator.
var User = Objective.define('User', {
// Definition is a collection?
// When collection is a string... it is used as the collection name
// rather than the name passed above.
// Example:
// collection: 'users',
collection: true,
// Routing System
routing: {
fetch: { by: 'name' },
fetchAll: false,
create: true,
update: false,
remove: false,
// Some more complex, built in:
// Update or Create
upsert: false,
// Remove all entries
empty: false,
// Count of all entries
count: false
// Validator Schema
name: {
type: String,
length: {
min: 3,
max: 24
password: {
type: String,
length: {
min: 3,
max: 36
Models currently only have two keywords in the root document:
- collection
- routing
Anything else is used as a property schema, processed and parsed by Validator upon requests, refer to validator for schema documentation.
It's extremely simple. I promise. Now you listen:
You don't even have to use the Objective variable to listen, you can use your application framework to do it and it will still work. :)
- destination-mongodb by Nijikokun
- Find a way to support any application framework instead of Express.