The design system of Borealis Group. Get a live demo via storybook and use the component library via this npm package
This is a demo version of the design system from Borealis. Right now it's just for testing purposes.
Using the library
This library is using the components that are presented in the storybook.
npm install design-system-borealis --save
After installation you should setup the theme configuration in your root file (App.js) You can choose between "lat" and "borealis".
// Your root file like App.js or index.js
import { ConfigDesignSystem } from 'design-system-borealis';
render() {
return (
<ConfigDesignSystem theme="lat"> {/* Theme can also be "borealis" */}
{/* Your child component using design system components */}
You can use any component in the following way:
import { Heading } from 'design-system-borealis';
render() {
return (
<Heading size={1} />
How do I find components?
- Go to the live storybook
- Pick a storyname which always the same as the component name
- The props of components are mirrored through the knobs on the right side, you can also check the documentation by clicking "more info" at the right top
- import the component as explained above
- Enjoy!
launching storybook locally
You can see a demo of all the components by running the following commands after cloning the git project.
npm install
npm start
npm start will first lint, test and then run storybook. Then you can visit localhost:3000
We invite everyone to contribute to this project. If you are a developer you can propose code changes via pull requests. Designers can propose how we should convert these coded components to design elements. Anyone can document issues and improvements on the Jira backlog.