Deploy your app to ftp or sftp with a single command
Deploydo was created because we have a lot of projects which are simply deployed by uploading files via ftp / sftp. This process is now automated by using deploydo.
Version 2
Breaking changes
- config files are json files and no js files anymore.
- password is not saved in standart config file anymore. You can now commit the config file (if it's okay for you). The password is saved in a separated file, which should not be commited.
npm install -g deploydo
warning add deploy.conf.json to your .gitignore if you don't want to commit your deployment data !
Create deploy.conf.json file in your project directory. Use this as template:
"default": {
"host": "",
"port": "22",
"user": "username",
"remotePath": "/public_html",
"sourcePath": "/dist",
"ignore": ["**/*.zip", "**/*.txt"],
"type": "sftp",
"verbose": true,
"useCache": true,
"buildCommand": "npm run build"
"production": {
"host": "",
"port": "21",
"user": "username",
"remotePath": "/public_html",
"sourcePath": "/dist",
"ignore": "**/*.png",
"type": "ftp",
"verbose": false,
"useCache": true,
"buildCommand": null
To create a config sample file inside your current directory:
$ deploydo --sample
Example commands
Start deployment for production config
$ deploydo --env=production
Start deployment for default config
$ deploydo
If you want to use another config file use
$ deploydo --deployConfigFile=configFilename.json
Config options
host: hostname or ip the script should connect to.
port: 21 for ftp 22 for sftp. Might depend on your server setting.
user: ftp/sftp username.
remotePath: path on your server. When you connect through sftp, you might be in the root folder, even if your ftp client sends you to another one when connecting.
sourcePath: path relative to your working directory.
ignore: Glob pattern or an Array of glob patterns. Which files you want not to be uploaded. Check for examples.
| glob pattern | Means
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| /myapp/config/* | All files inside config directory |
| **/*.png | All .png files in all directories |
| **/*.{png,ico,md} | All .png, .ico or .md files in all directories |
| /myapp/src/**/*.ts | All .ts files inside src directory (and all its subdirectories) |
type: ftp or sftp. sftp is basically ftp over ssh.
verbose: If true, list files in console during upload.
useCache: If true, cache system is used. A deploy.cache.json is uploaded in destination folder, which has hash values of the uploaded files. Next deployment this file is downloaded and checked against the local files. Only changed or new files will then be uploaded.
buildCommand: If you want to execute a build command before uploading, you can type it here. For example npm run build
You will be asked to enter your password. You can then save it automatically in a separated password file. The password is not encrypted when saved. After that you will be asked if the script should add this file to your .gitignore (what you should do).
Only use this option when this is no problem for you.