A Node-RED DePaula's prototype node to interact with some Weidmueller FBC-Coupler by Ethernet IP Protocol
depaula_eip is a library that allows communication to certain Ethernet/IP remote modules UR20-FBC-EIP from Weidmueller. This is not an official implementation of Ethernet/IP. This is not affiliated with or supported by Weidmueller or Allen-Bradley in any way.
WARNING - This is BETA CODE and you need to be aware that WRONG VALUES could be written to WRONG LOCATIONS. Fully test everything you do. In situations where writing to a random area of memory could cost you money, back up your data and test this really well. If this could injure someone or worse, consider other software.
To use this on a UR20-FBC-EIP modules just need to install it and set up the variables to be read.
Try at your own risk with other combinations. Using this with another Devices, you maybe will need to use different DF1 command with different formatting. Consult the DF1 manual (google it) for more details. (The manual suggests reading is more likely to work than writing but we don't have access to a PLC and can't test it.) In any case, PLC-specific commands could certainly be added.
So if you create a variable called THEINTEGER with type INT[10] then map it to file 7 and download, you can request N7:0 to get the first element, and so on.
Note that it is currently not possible to write to bits above 15 (most-significant word) in a long integer as the depaula_eip read-modify-write command appears to not support this. You must write the entire DINT or use bits within an INT.
It is optimized in two ways - it sorts a large number of items being requested, you should define what overall data areas to request. It does not yet group multiple small requests together in a single packet, which is apparently possible. It does, however, send 2 packets at once, for speed, and this number could potentially be increased. So a request for 100 different bits, all close (but not necessarily completely contiguous) will be grouped in one single request, with no additional direction from the user. Its optimizations are not likely tuned as well as some commercial OPC servers, however.
depaula_eip manages reconnects for you. So if the connection is lost because the device is powered down or disconnected, you can continue to request data with no other action necessary. "Bad" values are returned, and eventually the connection will be automatically restored.
depaula_eip is written entirely in Javascript, so no compiler installation is necessary on Windows, and deployment on other platforms (ARM, etc) should be no problem.
This was developed using Wireshark to help with packet format. No documentation was helpful as well, such as the "DF1 manual".
To get started:
npm install depaula_eip
Example usage:
var depaula_eip = require('depaula_eip');
var conn = new depaula_eip;
var doneReading = false;
var doneWriting = false;
conn.initiateConnection({port: 44818, host: '' /* , routing: [0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00] */}, connected);
// Either uncomment the routing or uncomment this next line for any device if otherwise using routing
// First 0x01, 0x00 = 1 word in the path, second 0x01, 0x00 = Port 0x01 (backplane port of Ethernet module), 0x00 = device is in slot 0 in chassis.
function connected(err) {
if (typeof(err) !== "undefined") {
// We have an error. Maybe the device is not reachable.
conn.addItems(['TEST1', 'TEST4']);
// conn.removeItems(['TEST2', 'TEST3']); // Demo of "removeItems".
// conn.writeItems(['TEST5', 'TEST6'], [ 867.5309, 9 ], valuesWritten); // You can write an array of items like this if you want.
conn.writeItems('TEST7', [ 666, 777 ], valuesWritten); // You can write a single array item too.
function valuesReady(anythingBad, values) {
if (anythingBad) { console.log("SOMETHING WENT WRONG READING VALUES!!!!"); }
// alternative syntax console.log("Value is " + conn.findItem('TEST1').value + " quality is " + conn.findItem('TEST1').quality);
doneReading = true;
if (doneWriting) { process.exit(); }
function valuesWritten(anythingBad) {
if (anythingBad) { console.log("SOMETHING WENT WRONG WRITING VALUES!!!!"); }
console.log("Done writing.");
doneWriting = true;
if (doneReading) { process.exit(); }
// This is a very simple "tag lookup" callback function that would eventually be replaced with either a database findOne(), or a large array in memory.
// Note that the return value is a controller absolute address and datatype specifier.
// If you want to use absolute addresses only, you can do that too.
function tagLookup(tag) {
switch (tag) {
case 'TEST1':
return 'N7:0'; // Integer
case 'TEST2':
return 'B3:0/0'; // Bit
case 'TEST3':
return 'B3/17'; // Same as B3:1/1
case 'TEST4':
return 'F8:0,20'; // Yes this is an array... 20 real numbers.
case 'TEST5':
return 'F8:1'; // Single real.
case 'TEST6':
return 'F8:2'; // Another single real.
case 'TEST7':
return 'N7:1,2'; // A couple of integers in an array
case 'TEST8':
return 'O:5/1'; // Direct output
case 'TEST9':
return 'ST18:0';
return undefined;
This returns some diagnostic output as well as the following:
{ TEST1: 30724,
[ 867530.875,
0 ] }
- initiateConnection()
- dropConnection()
- setTranslationCB()
- addItems()
- removeItems()
- writeItems()
- readAllItems()
- findItem()
depaula_eip.initiateConnection(params, callback)
Connects to a Device.
params should be an object with the following keys:
- port (normally specify 44818)
- host (address)
- routing (array of characters specifying path length, path, etc. Most common is [0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00] for routing.)
will be executed on success or failure. err is either an error object, or undefined on successful connection.
Disconnects from a Device.
This simply terminates the TCP connection. It does NOT do an Ethernet/IP disconnect at this time. The callback is called upon completion of the TCP close.
Sets a callback for name - address translation.
This is optional - you can choose to use "addItem" etc with absolute addresses.
If you use it, translator
should be a function that takes a string as an argument, and returns a string in the following format:
<type specifier><file number - I assumed 1, O assumed 0, S assumed 2>:<element>[</bit> or </DN, /EN, /TT> or <.ACC, .PRE>],array length
- F8:30
- F8:0,10 - array of 10 floating point numbers
- N7:12
- L9:1 - long integer is MicroLogix/ControlLogix/CompactLogix only
- N7:12/1 - second bit in the word
- B3:6/6
- T4:6.ACC - timer accumulator - read/write
- C5:1.PRE - counter preset - read/write
- T4:0,20 - array of timers - will return an array of objects representing 20 timers - READ ONLY
- R6:0.LEN - control length - read/write
- R6:0 - control structure - will return a JS object - READ ONLY
- ST18:0,2 - Array of strings
- NST34:0 - String that has been copied with the COP instruction to an integer data type
Note that some values are not supported in an array - timer presets and accumulators are an example, but entire timers are fine for READ ONLY.
In the example above, an object is declared and the translator
references that object. It could just as reference a file or database. In any case, it allows cleaner Javascript code to be written that refers to a name instead of an absolute address.
Adds items
to the internal read polling list.
can be a string or an array of strings.
Removes items
to the internal read polling list.
can be a string or an array of strings.
depaula_eip.writeItems(items, values)
Writes items
to the device using the corresponding values
can be a string or an array of strings. If items
is a single string, values
should then be a single item (or an array if items
is an array item). If items
is an array of strings, values
must be an array.
You should monitor the return value - if it is non-zero, the write will not be processed as there is already one it progress, and the callback will not be called.
Reads the internal polling list and calls callback
when done.
callback(err, values)
is called with two arguments - a boolean indicating if ANY of the items have "bad quality", and values
, an object containing the values being read as keys and their value (from the device) as the value.
Returns the item object being searched for (by iterating through the array of items), or undefined if it isn't found in the item list. This allows accessing item.value and item.quality.