Stop CI builds triggered due to unused dependency upgrades.
Dep-sCImitar is a prototype tool to cut down the CI waste induced by unused NPM dependencies. It can skip CI builds that are invoked by version updates to unused-dependencies.
Dep-sCImitar - configuration in CI pipeline.
This tool could be integrated with any CI provider, such as GitHub Actions, Travis CI, and CircleCI.
- name: Check For Unused-Dependency Commits
run: |
npm install dep-scimitar # Install the tool
unusedDepChange=$(npx dep-scimitar runremote) # Run the tool
echo "UnusedDepCommit=$unusedDepCommit" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Env variable
- name: Project-specific Steps
if: ${{ env.UnusedDepCommit == 0 }} # Check the env variable
run: |
# project-specific steps
Dep-sCImitar - local (and optional) configuration for developers
To install Dep-sCImitar locally please execute the following npm command.
npm install -g dep-scimitar
To turn on Dep-sCImitar for a project, you have to turn it on. To do so, please navigate to the root directory and execute the following command in the commandline.
Once Dep-sCImitar is turned on, whenever you commit a change, it will add [ci skip]
label if the change is an unused dependency commit.
npx dep-scimitar on
To turn off Dep-sCImitar for a certain project, run the following command in the root directory of the project.
npx dep-scimitar off