Middleware that validates JsonWebTokens and sets `this.jwt`.
Denali Jwt
Middleware that validates JsonWebTokens and sets this.jwt
This module lets you authenticate HTTP requests using JWT tokens in your Denali applications. JWTs are typically used to protect API endpoints, and are often issued using OpenID Connect.
$ denali install denali-jwt
- Clone the repo down
yarn install
denali server
- Hit localhost:3000
$ denali test
The JWT authentication middleware authenticates callers using a JWT.
If the token is valid, this.jwt
will be set with the JSON object decoded
to be used by later middleware for authorization and access control.
For example,
// config/environment.js
export default function environmentConfig(environment: any) {
let config = {
'denali-jwt': {
issuer: '',
audience: 'some-audiance',
secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET
algorithms: ['RS256']
return config;
// app/actions/application.js
import VerifyJwt from 'denali-jwt';
import { Action } from 'denali';
export default abstract ApplicationAction extends Action {
static before = ['verifyJwt'];
verifyJwt = VerifyJwt();
You can specify audience and/or issuer as well:
'denali-jwt' = {
secret: 'shhhhhhared-secret',
audience: 'http://myapi/protected',
issuer: 'http://issuer'
If the JWT has an expiration (
), it will be checked.
If you are using a base64 URL-encoded secret, pass a Buffer
with base64
encoding as the secret instead of a string:
'denali-jwt' = {
secret: new Buffer('shhhhhhared-secret', 'base64')
This module also support tokens signed with public/private key pairs. Instead of a secret, you can specify a Buffer with the public key
let publicKey = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/');
'denali-jwt' = {
secret: publicKey
By default, the decoded token is attached to this.jwt
but can be configured with the requestProperty
'denali-jwt' = {
secret: publicKey,
requestProperty: 'auth'
utilizes lodash.set and will accept nested property paths.
A custom function for extracting the token from a request can be specified with
the getToken
option. This is useful if you need to pass the token through a
query parameter or a cookie. You can throw an error in this function and it will
be handled by denali-jwt
'denali-jwt' = {
secret: 'hello world !',
getToken: function fromHeaderOrQuerystring (req) {
if (req.headers.authorization && req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[0] === 'Bearer') {
return req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];
} else if (req.query && req.query.token) {
return req.query.token;
return null;
Related Modules
- jsonwebtoken — JSON Web Token sign and verification
Check them out here
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.