Helper functions for working with degrees and directions.
What is it? 🐱
It is a library with utilitarian functions for working with degrees and directions.
How to use it?
First you need to install the package from npm:
npm install --save degreezzy
After that, you need to import the package into your project:
import { getDirectionByDegrees, getDegreesByDirection } from 'degreezzy';
Now you can use this in your project, for example:
const degrees = 360; // Degrees value.
const direction = getDirectionByDegrees(degrees); // Returns a direction value: 'N';
You can also:
const direction = 'N'; // Direction value.
const degrees = getDegreesByDirection(direction); // Returns a degrees value: 360;
There are also functions for converting radians to degrees.
import { getDegreesByRadians, getRadiansByDegrees } from 'degreezzy';
Which you can use that way.
const radians = 6.283185307179586; // Radians value.
const degrees = getDegreesByRadians(radians); // Returns a degrees value: 360.
Or degrees to radians.
const degrees = 360; // Degrees value.
const radians = getRadiansByDegrees(degrees); // Returns a radians value: 6.283185307179586.
Thanks for using this library.
If you have any suggestions or improvements, we are always open to the Pull Requests. If you liked it, you can put a star on the GitHub, thanks!