Non-recursively creates an array of deep paths and properties within an object. Optionally unpacks prototypes and non-enumerable property descriptors. Supports Objects, Arrays, Maps, and Sets.
Non-recursively creates an array of deep paths and properties within an object. Optionally unpacks prototypes and non-enumerable property descriptors. Supports Objects, Arrays, Maps, and Sets.
Endpoints may be previously discovered object references, primitives, or objects whose children are inaccessible due to settings or otherwise.
Avoids recursion by using a task queue; very deep objects may be traversed without hitting the stack limit.
Any unsupported data structure may be accessed by supplying a customizer function. See the global docs.
Circular references or otherwise duplicate references to objects will be signified using a 'ref' property, rather than a value. See the return details.
Getting Started
The following installation, testing, and deployment instructions assume that deep-props.extract will be installed as a standalone module. For instructions on how to install and test all deep-props modules, please refer to the main README. Functionality of the module remains the same in both cases.
Node.JS version 8.7.0 or above.
npm install deep-props.extract
The following command will test the package for errors. It prints a selection of examples to the console; scroll through its output if you want to learn more about the utility.
npm test --prefix /path/to/node_modules/deep-props.extract
const extract = require('deep-props.extract')
Nested object extraction
const data = { foo: { bar: { baz: 'qux' } } }
// returns { path: [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], value: 'qux' }
Unrooting of Object Keys
const data = new Map().set(
{ foo: 'bar' }, new Map().set(
{ baz: 'beh' }, new Map().set(
{ qux: 'quz' }, new Map().set(
{ quux: 'quuz' }, 'thud'
// returns:
// [
// {
// path: [ { foo: 'bar' }, { baz: 'beh' }, { qux: 'quz' }, { quux: 'quuz' } ],
// value: 'thud'
// },
// { host: { quux: 'quuz' }, path: ['quux'], value: 'quuz' },
// { host: { qux: 'quz' }, path: ['qux'], value: 'quz' },
// { host: { baz: 'beh' }, path: ['baz'], value: 'beh' },
// { host: { foo: 'bar' }, path: ['foo'], value: 'bar' }
// ]
Extraction from complicated nests
const data = {
foo: [
new Map().set(
'bar', new Set([
baz: {
qux: {
quz: [
lorem: {
ipsum: 'dolor'
// returns:
// [
// {
// path: [ 'foo', '0', 'bar', '0', 'baz', 'qux', 'quz', '0' ],
// value: 'quux' },
// { path: [ 'foo', '0', 'bar', '0', 'baz', 'qux', 'quz', '1' ],
// value: 'quuz' },
// { path: [ 'foo', '0', 'bar', '1', 'lorem', 'ipsum' ],
// value: 'dolor'
// }
// ]
Verbose Options
const data = { foo: { bar: 'baz' } }
// returns:
// [
// {
// path: ['foo'],
// value: { bar: 'baz' },
// writable: true,
// enumerable: true,
// configurable: true,
// parentIsFrozen: false,
// parentIsSealed: false,
// parentIsExtensible: true
// },
// {
// path: [ 'foo', 'bar' ],
// value: 'baz',
// writable: false,
// enumerable: true,
// configurable: false,
// parentIsFrozen: true,
// parentIsSealed: true,
// parentIsExtensible: false
// }
// ]
extract(data, { stepwise: true, descriptors: true, permissions: true })
Module: extract
Non-recursively creates an array of deep paths and properties within an object. Optionally unpacks prototypes and non-enumerable property descriptors. Supports Objects, Arrays, Maps, and Sets.
| Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| host
| deep-props.extract~Host | | | Object to unpack. |
| opt
| deep-props.extract~Options | <optional> | {} | Execution settings. |
Array of paths and values or references. Returns Search generator if opt.gen is true.
Array.<deep-props.extract~PropAt> | deep-props.extract~ResultGenerator
Execution-wide settings supplied to the module. Modifies types of data attached to results. Modifies types of children to extract.
- Object
| Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| inherited
| boolean | <optional> | | Whether or not to search for inherited properties. Attaches these keys behind a '__proto__' key. |
| own
| boolean | <optional> | true | Whether or not to search for own properties. Defaults to true. |
| nonEnumerable
| boolean | <optional> | | Whether or not to search for and return non-enumerable properties. |
| permissions
| boolean | <optional> | | Whether or not to attach Permissions to results. |
| descriptors
| boolean | <optional> | | Whether or not to attach property descriptors other than 'value' to results. |
| stepwise
| boolean | <optional> | | Whether or not to yield a PropAt object at every step down the chain. |
| includeRefValues
| boolean | <optional> | | Whether or not to attach a value to Props with Refs attached. |
| gen
| boolean | <optional> | | Whether or not to return a generator instead of executing the entire search. |
| full
| boolean | <optional> | | If true, replaces undefined Options with maximum search settings (All options except for propsCustomizer will be set to true). User supplied options supercede any changes here. |
| propsCustomizer
| deep-props.extract~PropsCustomizer | <optional> | | Function used for custom extraction of PropEntries from a Target. |
Description of a given level of the chain. Transformed Prop Object with location attched.
- Object
| Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| host
| deep-props.extract~Host | <optional> | When a non-primitive key has been encountered, a separate chain will be created with that key. Items on that chain will be labeled with a 'host' property to specify which host the path applies to. PropAt Objects lacking a 'host' property imply that the path applies to the initially supplied Host. |
| path
| Array.<deep-props.extract~Key> | | Describes the steps taken from the Host in order to reach the Prop's value. |
| value
| * | <optional> | Value described at the Prop's location (if any). In cases of a previously discovered reference (circular or otherwise), value will be replaced with a ref property (unless opt.showRefValues is true). |
| writable
| boolean | <optional> | 'Writable' property descriptor of the value. |
| enumerable
| boolean | <optional> | 'Enumerable' property descriptor of the value. |
| configurable
| boolean | <optional> | 'Configurable' property descriptor of the value. |
| parentIsFrozen
| boolean | <optional> | Frozen status of the parent object. |
| parentIsSealed
| boolean | <optional> | Sealed status of the parent object. |
| parentIsExtensible
| boolean | <optional> | Extensible status of the parent object. |
| ref
| deep-props.extract~Ref | <optional> | If the value strictly equals a previously discovered Container, the path and Host (if applicable) of that Container will be provided. |
Versioned using SemVer. For available versions, see the Changelog.
Please raise an issue if you find any. Pull requests are welcome!
- Justin Collier - jpcx
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details