A simple vanilla JS front-end framework with no dependencies.
A simple vanilla JS front-end framework with no dependencies.
Why create 'Yet Another JS Framework'?
I've been using Backbone and JQuery forever. I really only use a small bit of the functionality they offer. So I decided to create a simple framework that only does that small bit.
Getting started
npm install deekay
The easiest way to get started is to jump into the Example App.
To run it, you'll need a webserver. I recommend After installing
it run http-server
and open a browser to http://localhost:8080/example/.
View is a class that provides a small subset of the functionality provided by Backbone.
// create our variables up top
const {View} = require('deekay');
const template = require('./templates/search.hbs');
const selector = '#content';
const events = [
{'type': 'submit', 'selector': '#search-form', 'listener': 'onSubmit'},
{'type': 'search:refresh', 'listener': 'onRefresh'}
const uri = '/api/search';
const route = {'pathname': '/search/:query', 'name': 'Search', 'listener': 'show'};
const binded = ['refresh'];
// extend the View class
class SearchView extends View {
// pass in all our variables to the parent View
constructor() {
super({selector, template, events, route, uri, binded});
// callback when our route is triggered. Grab the 'query' property from params and render
// it in our template. The template will be inserted into #content. Notice that 'this'
// is already set to the SearchView instance.
this.query = params.query;
'data': {
'query': this.query
// callback when our form is submitted. Call our API with the query using this.fetch.
// The uri for fetch has already been set up top. If there is an error, the returned object
// from this.fetch will have the 'error' property set to true.
async onSubmit(e, target) {
const response = await this.fetch({
'body': JSON.stringify({
'query': this.query
if (response.error === false) {
alert('Good response');
} else {
alert('There was an error');
return false;
// callback when a custom 'search:refresh' event is fired from another view because we
// included it in our events array up top.
onRefresh(e, target) {
setTimeout(this.binded.refresh, 500);
// refresh called from our setTimeout above. Notice that 'this' is already set to the SearchView
// instance because we set it in the binded array up top and used 'this.binded.refresh'.
refresh() {
'data': {
'query': this.query
export {SearchView}
Query is a class that provides a small subset of the functionality provided by jQuery. View the docs to see what it includes.
const {Query} = require('deekay');
const el = new Query('#some-id');
el.text = 'Some new text';
Router listens to browser location changes and fires when a known route is matched. If there is no match, a 'router:nomatch' event will be fired.
Router will listen for all clicks on anchor elements. When anchors are clicked the browser will not
navigate to the new url, but will instead change the History state. If the anchor has target=_self
browser will perform a full navigation. If the anchor has target=_blank'
it will open a new tab/window.
const {Router} = require('deekay');
// create a new router. It is a singleton and only one router can be created in an application.
const router = new Router();
// call this after all views are created to trigger the initial route.
All View instances automatically have the router set as a member, and will usually be accessed that way.
const {View} = require('deekay');
const template = require('./templates/not-found.hbs');
const events = [
{'type': 'router:nomatch', 'listener': 'show'},
{'type': 'click', 'selector': '#home', 'listener': 'onClick'}
class NotFoundView extends View {
constructor() {
show(params) {
// #home was clicked. Navigate our router to '/'.
onClick(e, target) {
this.router.navigate({'href': '/'});
DocumentListener is rarely used directly, but rather through a View. Each view instance will get a member documentListener. Each application will only have one DocumentListener created (singleton).
const {View} = require('deekay');
// events added here with a selector property will be passed to the documentListener.on method
const events = [
{'type': 'click', 'selector': '#home', 'listener': 'onClick'}
class NotFoundView extends View {
constructor() {
// #home was clicked. We can add a class to it.
onClick(e, target) {
// We can add listeners this way as well
addListener() {
this.documentListener.on('click', '#some-id', (e, target) => {
}, this);
If you do want to use DocumentListener outside of a View.
const {DocumentListener} = require('deekay');
let documentListener = new DocumentListener();
documentListener.on('click', '#some-id', (e, target) => {
}, this);
EventBus is used as a global event bus for custom events.
EventBus is rarely used directly, but rather through a View. Each view instance will get a member EventBus. Each application will only have one EventBus created (singleton).
const {View} = require('deekay');
// events added here without a selector property are considered custom events and will be passed
// to the eventBus.on method
const events = [
{'type': 'search:refresh', 'listener': 'onRefresh'}
class SearchView extends View {
constructor() {
// search:refresh was triggered
onRefresh(e, data) {
// We can add listeners for custom events this way too
addListener() {
this.on('search:refresh', this.onRefresh);
Stop listening for a custom event.
const {View} = require('deekay');
class SearchView extends View {
removeListener() {'search:refresh', this.onRefresh);
Trigger a custom event.
const {View} = require('deekay');
class SearchView extends View {
triggerEvent() {
this.trigger('search:refresh', data);
If you do want to use EventBus outside of a View.
const {EventBus} = require('deekay');
let eventBus = new EventBus();
eventBus.on('search:refresh', (e, data) => {
Build from source
Deekay is written in ES6. To compile it for use in browsers, use Rollup. The command to compile is -
npm run build
To create the latest docs, you can do npm run jsdoc
Babel / CoreJS
Deekay targets modern browsers but can work all the way back to IE11 with a few polyfills. If using CoreJs you'll need to include these features to work properly. Learn more here -
import 'core-js/features/array/for-each';
import 'core-js/features/array/find';
import 'core-js/features/promise';
import 'core-js/web/dom-collections';
import 'core-js/features/object/assign';