Webpack plugin to dedupe modules from chunks known to load only after others with those modules.
Webpack plugin to dedupe modules from chunks known to load only after others with those modules.
Suppose you have a part of your app whose code you lazy load with Webpack dynamic imports,
or even react-loadable
That lazy-loaded page may itself may lazy load other code, e.g., code below the fold or only needed on interactions. This code might only be used on this page and nowhere else in the app.
Even if the lazy-loaded page chunk and its additional lazy-loaded chunks share some common modules, Webpack may not understand that your UI guarantees that the latter will only ever be loaded after the former.
The DedupeDependentChunksWebpackPlugin
lets you manually inform Webpack that it can remove shared modules
from any other lazy-loaded chunks that your lazy-loaded chunks might load.
If you specify only dependent chunks, we'll automagically determine all the dependee chunks that import it, and only remove modules from the dependent that are common to all dependees.
Example webpack.config.js
const DedupeDependentChunksPlugin = require("dedupe-dependent-chunks-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: "./src/index.js",
plugins: [new DedupeDependentChunksPlugin("lazy-2-1")],
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
chunks: "all",
name: true
Or, with multiple dependees:
new DedupeDependentChunksPlugin(
["a-lazy-component", "another-lazy-component"] // dependees
Or, with explicit object of dependee-dependents mapping:
new DedupeDependentChunksPlugin({
"some-lazy-part": "a-lazy-component-of-its" // dependee: dependent
// etc.
Or, with array of dependents:
new DedupeDependentChunksPlugin({
"some-lazy-part": ["a-lazy-component-of-its"] // dependee: dependents
// etc.
Or, as array of pairs:
new DedupeDependentChunksPlugin([
["some-lazy-part", "a-lazy-component-of-its"] // dependee, dependent
// etc.
Or, if you need to support multiple dependee chunks for a set of dependent chunks, as array of pairs of arrays:
new DedupeDependentChunksPlugin([
["some-lazy-part", "another-lazy-part"], // dependees
["a-lazy-component-of-theirs", "another-lazy-component-of-theirs"] // dependents
// etc.
See example
for an (admittedly trivial) example app.
With this plugin configured for the lazy-2
chunk and dependent lazy-2-1
their shared dep-1
module dependency is not included in lazy-2-1
(images from the webpack-bundle-analyzer
Licensed by the MIT License.