Provides useful functions for creating ES6 decorators
Provides useful functions for creating ES6 decorators
via npm
npm i --save decorator-helper
via yarn
yarn add decorator-helper
create a decorator for class
declare function defineClassDecorator<TArgs extends any[] = []>(
decorator: (target: Function, ...args: TArgs) => void | Function,
isFactory?: boolean
): ClassDecorator
No parameter decorator
import { defineClassDecorator } from 'decorator-helpers'
const MyDecorator = defineClassDecorator(target => {})
class TestClass {}
Decorator factory
const MyDecorator = defineClassDecorator((target, text) => {}, true)
//target=TestClass text='hello'
class TestClass {}
Optional parameters decorator
const MyDecorator = defineClassDecorator((target, text) => {})
//target=TestClass1 text='hello'
class TestClass1 {}
//target=TestClass1 text=undefined
class TestClass2 {}
create a decorator for class method
declare function defineMethodDecorator<TArgs extends any[] = []>(
decorator: (
target: Object,
propertyKey: string | symbol,
descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<Function>,
...args: TArgs
) => void | TypedPropertyDescriptor<Function>,
isFactory?: boolean
): MethodDecorator
No parameter decorator
import { defineMethodDecorator } from 'decorator-helpers'
const MyDecorator = defineMethodDecorator((target, key, descriptor) => {})
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='method1' descriptor={ value: TestClass.prototype.method1 }
method1() {
return 'hello'
//target=TestClass key='method2' descriptor={ value: TestClass.method2 }
static method2() {
return 'world'
Decorator factory
import { defineMethodDecorator } from 'decorator-helpers'
const MyDecorator = defineMethodDecorator((target, key, descriptor, text) => {}, true)
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='method1' descriptor={ value: TestClass.prototype.method1 } text='name'
method1() {
return 'hello'
Optional parameters decorator
import { defineMethodDecorator } from 'decorator-helpers'
const MyDecorator = defineMethodDecorator((target, key, descriptor, text) => {})
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='method1' descriptor={ value: TestClass.prototype.method1 } text='name'
method1() {
return 'hello'
//target=TestClass.prototype key='method1' descriptor={ value: TestClass.prototype.method1 } text=undefined
method2() {
return 'hello'
create a decorator for class property
declare function definePropertyDecorator<TArgs extends any[] = []>(
decorator: (
target: Object,
propertyKey: string | symbol
...args: TArgs
) => void,
isFactory?: boolean
): PropertyDecorator
No parameter decorator
import { definePropertyDecorator } from 'decorator-helpers'
const MyDecorator = definePropertyDecorator((target, key) => {})
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='id'
id = ''
//target=TestClass key='fullname'
static fullname = 'hello'
Decorator factory
const MyDecorator = definePropertyDecorator((target, key, text) => {}, true)
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='id' text='hello'
id = ''
Optional parameters decorator
const MyDecorator = definePropertyDecorator((target, key, text) => {})
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='id' text='hello'
id1 = ''
//target=TestClass.prototype key='id2' text=undefined
id2 = ''
create a decorator for accessor
declare function defineAccessorDecorator<TArgs extends any[] = []>(
decorator: (
target: Object,
propertyKey: string | symbol,
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor
...args: TArgs
) => void | PropertyDescriptor,
isFactory?: boolean
): AccessorDecorator
No parameter decorator
import { defineAccessorDecorator } from 'decorator-helpers'
const MyDecorator = defineAccessorDecorator((target, key, descriptor) => {})
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='id' descriptor={ get:Function; set:Function }
get id() {
return ''
set id(value) {}
//target=TestClass key='fullname' descriptor={ get:Function }
static get fullname() {
return ''
Decorator factory
const MyDecorator = defineAccessorDecorator((target, key, descriptor, text) => {}, true)
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='id' descriptor={ get:Function } text='hello'
get id() {
return ''
Optional parameters decorator
const MyDecorator = defineAccessorDecorator((target, key, descriptor, text) => {})
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass.prototype key='id' descriptor={ get:Function } text='hello'
get id() {
return ''
//target=TestClass.prototype key='id' descriptor={ get:Function } text=undefined
get fullname() {
return ''
create a decorator for method parameter
declare function defineParameterDecorator<TArgs extends any[] = []>(
decorator: (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, parameterIndex: number, ...args: TArgs) => void,
isFactory?: boolean
): ParameterDecorator
No parameter decorator
import { defineParameterDecorator } from 'decorator-helpers'
const MyDecorator = defineParameterDecorator((target, key, index) => {})
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass key='method1' index=0
method1(@MyDecorator arg1) {}
//target=TestClass key='method2' index=1
static method2(arg1, @MyDecorator arg2) {}
Decorator factory
const MyDecorator = defineParameterDecorator((target, key, index, text) => {}, true)
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass key='method1' index=0 text='hello'
method1(@MyDecorator('hello') arg1) {}
Optional parameters decorator
const MyDecorator = defineParameterDecorator((target, key, index, text) => {})
class TestClass {
//target=TestClass key='method1' index=0 text='hello'
method1(@MyDecorator('hello') arg1) {}
//target=TestClass key='method2' index=1 text=undefined
static method2(arg1, @MyDecorator arg2) {}
create a decorator for all targets. (class, method, property, accessor, parameter)
declare interface DecoratingTarget {
type: 'class' | 'method' | 'property' | 'accessor' | 'parameter'
target: Object //class or class prototype
propertyKey: string | symble //will be undefined if type=class
descriptor: PropertyDescriptor //will be undefined if type=class or property or parameter
parameterIndex: number //type=parameter only
declare function defineParameterDecorator<TArgs extends any[] = []>(
decorator: (target: DecoratingTarget, ...args: TArgs) => Function | PropertyDescriptor | void,
isFactory?: boolean
): CompatibleDecorator
No parameter decorator
import { defineCompatibleDecorator } from 'decorator-helpers'
const MyDecorator = defineCompatibleDecorator(target => {})
//target={ type:'class', target:TestClass }
class TestClass {
//target={ type:'method', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'method1', descriptor:{ value: Function } }
//target={ type: 'parameter', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'method1', descriptor:{ value: Function } }
method1(@MyDecorator arg1) {}
//target={ type:'property', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'id' }
id = 1
//target={ type:'accessor', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'fullname', descriptor: { get: Function } }
get fullname() {
return ''
Decorator factory
const MyDecorator = defineCompatibleDecorator((target, text) => {}, true)
//target={ type:'class', target:TestClass }
@MyDecorator('this is class')
class TestClass {
//target={ type:'method', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'method1', descriptor:{ value: Function } }
@MyDecorator('this is method')
//target={ type: 'parameter', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'method1', descriptor:{ value: Function } }
method1(@MyDecorator('this is parameter') arg1) {}
//target={ type:'property', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'id' }
@MyDecorator('this is property')
id = 1
//target={ type:'accessor', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'fullname', descriptor: { get: Function } }
@MyDecorator('this is accessor')
get fullname() {
return ''
Optional parameters decorator
const MyDecorator = defineCompatibleDecorator((target, text) => {})
//target={ type:'class', target:TestClass }
class TestClass {
//target={ type:'method', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'method1', descriptor:{ value: Function } }
@MyDecorator('this is method')
//target={ type: 'parameter', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'method1', descriptor:{ value: Function } }
method1(@MyDecorator arg1) {}
//target={ type:'property', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'id' }
@MyDecorator('this is property')
id = 1
//target={ type:'accessor', target:TestClass.prototype, propertyKey:'fullname', descriptor: { get: Function } }
get fullname() {
return ''