User identification system based on web3 technology
The debeem-id
is a simple and easy-to-use Web3 software development toolkit developed by the DeBeem
open-source organization.
Based on Ethereum wallet technology, debeem-id
is an infrastructure component of the DeBeem
ecosystem, offering features such as strict validation of data to be signed, data signing, signature verification, and identity authentication.
Table of contents
Key features
Core functionality component of the Ethereum wallet, including wallet creation, import, recovery, wallet address validation, wallet derivation, and other features.
Provides hash digest and result format validation functionality for a JSON Object.
Provides encoding and decoding functionality for a JSON Object.
Provides signing and result format validation functionality for a JSON Object.
Used to verify if the signature of a JSON Object is correct.
Used to strictly validate whether a JSON Object can be signed.
How it works
- Sign the data with the wallet's private key, and you will get a signature string.
- The wallet address will be included in the data packet. When verifying the signature, you need to enter the wallet address and signature.
will verify whether the signature of the data package is signed by the private key of the owner of the wallet address. - Therefore, it is verified that the packet belongs to the specified user (wallet address).
Create a signer
The signer is based on the wallet, so creating a signer is equivalent to creating a wallet. Subsequently, we can sign the data using the wallet's private key
- Create a random HD wallet object
const walletObj = EtherWallet.createWalletFromMnemonic();
isHD: true,
mnemonic: 'million butter obtain fuel address truck grunt recall gain rotate debris flee',
password: '',
address: '0x03a06e86556C819199E602851e4453a89718cB36',
publicKey: '0x0384636daeaf2f410f7c4a6749a143096838a0482bcee94e412ca3a683bca3ac00',
privateKey: '0x44dd0864d00e37090622a17e66c0914bd71a1245a3a2e4f88611775854f4eafc',
index: 0,
path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
- Create a wallet object using a user-specified mnemonic phrase
const mnemonic = 'olympic cradle tragic crucial exit annual silly cloth scale fine gesture ancient';
const walletObj = EtherWallet.createWalletFromMnemonic( mnemonic );
isHD: true,
mnemonic: 'olympic cradle tragic crucial exit annual silly cloth scale fine gesture ancient',
password: '',
address: '0xC8F60EaF5988aC37a2963aC5Fabe97f709d6b357',
publicKey: '0x03ed2098910ab9068abd54e1562eb9dee3cb2d9fc1426dfe91541970a89b5aa622',
privateKey: '0xf8ba731e3d09ce93ee6256d7393e993be01cd84de044798372c0d1a8ad9b952a',
index: 0,
path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
- Create a wallet with a user-specified private key
const privateKey = "0xf8ba731e3d09ce93ee6256d7393e993be01cd84de044798372c0d1a8ad9b952a";
const walletObj = EtherWallet.createWalletFromPrivateKey( privateKey );
isHD: false,
mnemonic: '',
password: '',
address: '0xC8F60EaF5988aC37a2963aC5Fabe97f709d6b357',
publicKey: '0x03ed2098910ab9068abd54e1562eb9dee3cb2d9fc1426dfe91541970a89b5aa622',
privateKey: '0xf8ba731e3d09ce93ee6256d7393e993be01cd84de044798372c0d1a8ad9b952a',
index: 0,
path: null
Sign Data
When signing data, you need to enter:
- data to be signed, here is a JavaScript object structure
- wallet private key
The output is a signature string
- Web3Signer.signObject( privateKey : string | SigningKey, obj : any, exceptedKeys ? : Array<string> ) : Promise<string>
let toBeSignedObject = {
version : '1.0.0',
deleted : 0,
wallet : walletObj.address,
address : '0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045',
sig : ``,
name : `Sam`,
avatar : '',
remark : 'no remark',
createdAt: JSON.stringify( new Date() ),
updatedAt: JSON.stringify( new Date() )
// .sig, .createdAt, .updatedAt are ignored by default
const exceptedKeys : Array<string> = [ 'remark' ];
const privateKey = walletObj.privateKey;
toBeSignedObject.sig = await Web3Signer.signObject( privateKey, toBeSignedObject, exceptedKeys );
// toBeSignedObject.sig
Validate Signature
To verify whether the signature of the data belongs to the specified wallet address, you need to enter:
- data to be signed, here is a JavaScript object structure
- wallet address
- signature string
The output is a boolean value
indicating whether the data is signed by the private key of the owner of the specified wallet address.
- Web3Validator.validateObject( signerWalletAddress : string, obj : any, sig : string, exceptedKeys ? : Array<string> ) : Promise<boolean>
const walletAddress = walletObj.address;
const sig = toBeSignedObject.sig;
// .sig, .createdAt, .updatedAt are ignored by default
const exceptedKeys : Array<string> = [ 'remark' ];
const valid = await Web3Validator.validateObject( walletAddress, toBeSignedObject, sig, exceptedKeys );
// valid
Object that cannot be signed
Objects whose type of the object itself or any of its sub-elements belong to the following types cannot be signed.
- undefined
- function
- symbol
- Map
- Set
- BigInt
- Date
- RegExp