A mixin for https://github.com/meteor/validated-method to add rate limitation support to Meteor's methods.
A mixin for mdg:validated-method to add rate limitation support to Meteor's methods.
meteor add ddp-rate-limiter
npm install --save ddp-rate-limiter-mixin
import { ValidatedMethod } from 'meteor/mdg:validated-method';
import { RateLimiterMixin } from 'ddp-rate-limiter-mixin';
// limit the maximum 5 requests in 5 seconds to this method for every clients
const foo = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'foo',
mixins: [RateLimiterMixin],
rateLimit: {
numRequests: 5,
timeInterval: 5000,
validate: null,
run() {
// ...
// limit the maximum 5 requests in 5 seconds to this method for user1 only
const boo = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'boo',
mixins: [RateLimiterMixin],
rateLimit: {
matcher: {
userId: 'user1',
numRequests: 5,
timeInterval: 5000,
validate: null,
run() {
// ...
// limit the maximum 5 requests in 5 seconds to this method for users who are not `Admin`
const bar = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'bar',
mixins: [RateLimiterMixin],
rateLimit: {
// this use to match the request, optional
matcher: {
// optional, could be a string or a return-boolean function
userId(userId) {
return Meteor.users.findOne(userId).type !== 'Admin';
// optional, could be a string or a return-boolean function
connectionId(connectionId) {
return true;
// optional, could be a string or a return-boolean function
clientAddress(clientAddress) {
return true;
numRequests: 5,
timeInterval: 5000,
validate: null,
run() {
// ...
Rate Limit
This package uses Meteor's DDPRateLimiter behind the scene to support rate limitation for Meteor methods. This comes with a nicer way to define rate limitation.
Using normal DDPRateLimiter way is fine, but it would introduce 'side-effect' to your system. Like sometimes you just do not know where the limitation is set, or what is the maximum requests could be called in a period of time. This package helps solving that by specifying limitation when defining a method.
rateLimit option
You have to specify the rateLimit
option to define limitation.
is optional. If specified it is similar to matcher
1st argument of DDPRateLimiter.addRule, except name
is always the name of method and type
is always method
rateLimit: {
// this use to match the request, optional
matcher: {
// optional, could be a string or a return-boolean function
userId(userId) {
// ...
return true/false;
// optional, could be a string or a return-boolean function
connectionId(connectionId) {
return true/false;
// optional, could be a string or a return-boolean function
clientAddress(clientAddress) {
return true/false;
// numRequests is the maximum number of requests could be made in timeInterval (milliseconds)
numRequests: 5,
timeInterval: 5000, // 5000 milliseconds
// callback is a function to be called after a rule is executed.
callback: (check, ruleInput) => ()
rateLimit callback properties
check: {
allowed: boolean - indicates wether the call is allowed or not
timeToReset: integer - milliseconds to reset the number for the current interval
numInvocationsLeft: integer - number of invocations left for the current interval
ruleInput: {
'type': string - either 'method' or 'subscription'
'name': string - the name of the method or subscription being called
'userId': string - the user ID attempting the method or subscription
'connectionId': string - a string representing the user's DDP connection
'clientAddress': string - the IP address of the user
For more info check the following links: