DDF validion tool
how to run validation
- install ddf-validation-ng
npm install -g ddf-validation-ng
- run ddf-validation-ng on target path
$ validate-ddf-ng -h
validate-ddf - DDF dataset validator
Usage: validate-ddf-ng [--no-warning] [PATH] [-m|--mode ARG]
validate DDF dataset at PATH (default to current working dir)
Available options:
--no-warning don't show warnings
PATH The dataset path to validate
-m,--mode ARG configure how validator find files (filenames or
datapackage, default filenames)
whether to generate a datapackage.json after
validation. (default false)
-h,--help Show this help text
There are 2 modes: filenames and datapackage. In filenames mode, the validator will enumerate all files in a given folder and try to find all the filenames that match ddf standard. In datapackage mode, the validator will read all files in the resources list in datapackage.json.
how to build
- install purescript and spago
npm install -g purescript
npm install -g spago
- to install dependencies
npm install
spago install
- run
npm run build
(which will runspago build
how to create new version
- build the app and module bundle
npm run bundle-app
npm run bundle-module
npm publish