daisyUI - Tailwind CSS Components
The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library
daisyUI 2.0
🌼 Features
- A plugin for Tailwind CSS
- Faster development
- Cleaner HTML
- Customizable and themeable
- Pure CSS. Works on all frameworks
📀 Install now!
npm i dculusux
Then add daisyUI to your tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [require("dculusux")],
[ Read more → ]
Loading CSS files from CDN is not recommended for production. It's better to install Tailwind and daisyUI as Nodejs dependencies so you can config/customize everything, and purge unused styles.
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/full.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>
🚀 Use
📘 Documents + Examples
See the official site: [ dculusux.com →]
🤝 Support daisyUI
| | | |---|---| | Premium Sponsors Support this project by becoming a premium sponsor. [Become a sponsor] | | | Backers Thank you to all our backers! [Become a backer] | | | Contributors This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute] | |
📁 List of components
- [x] Button
- [x] Dropdown
- [x] Modal
- [x] Swap
Data display
- [x] Alert
- [x] Avatar
- [x] Badge
- [ ] Banner
- [ ] Calendar
- [x] Card
- [x] Carousel
- [ ] Chat bubble
- [x] Collapse
- [ ] Comment
- [x] Countdown
- [ ] Empty placeholder
- [x] Kbd
- [ ] Loading
- [x] Progress
- [x] Radial progress
- [x] Stat
- [x] Table
- [ ] Tag
- [ ] Timeline
- [ ] Toast
- [x] Tooltip
- [ ] Treeview
Data input
- [x] Checkbox
- [x] Text input
- [x] Radio
- [x] Range
- [x] Rating
- [x] Select
- [x] Textarea
- [x] Toggle
- [ ] Upload
- [x] Artboard
- [x] Button group
- [x] Divider
- [x] Drawer
- [x] Footer
- [x] Hero
- [x] Indicator
- [x] Input group
- [x] Mask
- [x] Stack
- [ ] App bar
- [x] Breadcrumbss
- [x] Link
- [x] Menu
- [x] Navbar
- [x] Pagination
- [x] Steps
- [x] Tab
- [ ] Browser
- [x] Code
- [x] Phone
- [x] Window
📰 Featured on:
- Blogs
- Youtube videos
- Supabase & Sveltekit - Build Twitter in 75 minutes
- Setup the Best Frontend JavaScript Stack - Svelte, Vite, TailwindCSS and DaisyUI
- Jamstack powered Image gallery with Cloudinary, Tailwind and DaisyUI
- SvelteKit Crash Course w/ Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI, GraphQL and dynamic routes
- DaisyUI : Worth a try or skip on by?
- How to use daisyUI in SvelteKit?
- DaisyUI Untuk Yang Mau Pindah ke TailwindCSS dari Bootstrap (Indonesian)
- Next.js - Tailwind - DeisyUI Setup
- Svelte Setup with Vite, Tailwind, DaisyUI. Custom Themes!
- Build a blog with Svelte
- Building a product in less than 10 minutes: Laravel, InertiaJS, VueJS, TailwindCSS, DaisyUI
- Infinite scrolling with MERN | ReactJS, TailwindCSS v3, DaisyUI | NodeJs, Express, MongoDB
- How to install TailwindCSS v3 and DaisyUI to your React app
- Laravel: DaisyUI Agiliza Tus Desarrollos Con TailwindCSS + Select2 Tailwind Style (Spanish)
- Courses
- Building with SvelteKit and GraphCMS
- Svelte for Beginners by Mike Karan
- React Front To Back 2022 by Brad Traversy
- Build Instagram profile page UI clone w/Next.js TailwindCSS
- Instagram UI Clone Login Page w/ NextJS & TailwindCSS
- Build your Developer Portfolio and Blog from Scratch with Svelte and GraphCMS
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