A collection of tools for creating Non-Player-Characters (NPCs). These are capable of having conversations with the player, and play different animations. AI usage is added atop of it
NPC-library updated with llm call tools
A collection of additional llm tools forked from dcl-npc-toolkit.
Capabilities of this library:
Start a connection with colyseus server using 2 arguments / 2 functions
Create default quick dialogue sequence to initiate llm dialogue
Dialogue is generated automatically after message arrives from server
Install the base dcl-npc-toolkit library
Via the CLI
- Install the library as an npm bundle. Run this command in your scene's project folder:
npm i dcl-npc-toolkit-ai-version
- Install the dependent sdk utils library as an npm bundle. Run this command in your scene's project folder:
npm i @dcl-sdk/utils -B
dcl start
ordcl build
so the dependencies are correctly installed.Import the library into the scene's script. Add this line at the start of your
file, or any other TypeScript files that require it:
import * as npc from 'dcl-npc-toolkit'
- In your TypeScript file, call the
function passing it aTransformType
and aNPCData
object. TheNPCData
object requires a minimum of aNPCType
and a function to trigger when the NPC is activated:
export let myNPC = npc.create(
position: Vector3.create(8, 0, 8),
rotation: Quaternion.Zero(),
scale: Vector3.create(1, 1, 1),
//NPC Data Object
type: npc.NPCType.CUSTOM,
model: 'models/npc.glb',
onActivate: () => {
console.log('npc activated')
Adding llm tools
- Change NPC onActivate to:
onActivate: async (data) => {
This will create a generic dialogue, that allows user to call an input prompt to send to llm on server side
- Add new arguments to create() function:
export let myNPC = npc.create(
position: Vector3.create(8, 0, 8),
rotation: Quaternion.Zero(),
scale: Vector3.create(1, 1, 1),
//NPC Data Object
type: npc.NPCType.CUSTOM,
model: 'models/npc.glb',
onActivate: () => {
console.log('npc activated')
Those are RagMode, ConfiguredMode, server url and room name. This is designed to work with colyseus server. RagMode will mark this npc to use or not use Rag Chain System. Configured signals server to use configuration for initial system message on backend. Server url is a connection url for server and room name should specify the colyseus room name that is used on server side.
You need to specify server arguments only for the first NPC you create, others will share it. Also you can skip these arguments and setup url and room name beforehand like this:
- Add response on server side:
Install llm_response module on the server side and add onMessage that sends response to frontend:
this.onMessage("getAnswer", async (client, msg) => {
let result;
// @ts-ignore
let text = "";
let voiceUrl = "";
// @ts-ignore
// msg will have rag variable, based on npc using/not using rag
if (msg.rag) {
const result = await mainChain.getRagAnswer(msg.text,voiceGenerationEnabled,await appReadyPromise);
text = result.response.text;
voiceUrl = result.exposedUrl;
} else {
const systemMessage = 'Some system message';
const result = await getLLMTextAndVoice(systemMessage,msg.text,voiceGenerationEnabled,await appReadyPromise);
text = result.response;
voiceUrl = result.exposedUrl;
// sending response to NPC
client.send("getAnswer", {
answer: text,
voiceUrl: voiceUrl,
voiceEnabled: voiceGenerationEnabled,
id: msg.id
Main parts of it is the name of the message "getAnswer" on receiving and on sending back, so it will trigger in the NPC. Other parts may be changed for your desired task.
- Add UI parts to your UI
Add the following UI components to your UI: