discord bot helper - let the api do the hard work for you
Discord.js Botfunctions
made by phil_not_funny
Discord: not funny#8951 Please report bugs to me via discord!
Since discord likes to torture us with the new discord.js v14, I decided to create this package. This package is all about making bot-writing easier. It mainly focuses on creating server-settings, formatting messages and bot-config.
Obviously: npm install [email protected]
You may import the functions by using
// 👇 only use when creating another Botfuncs instance
const BotfuncsType = require("dcjs-botfuncs");
const Botfuncs = new BotfuncsType();
Making a bot config and server storage:
In order to make implementation easier, your bot should have a config file. It should at least have the prop "prefix", to set a bot default-prefix, the prop "author" to give credit, and the prop "description" for context.
Quick example of how to use dcjs-botfuncs:
bot-config.json: A bot default-prefix is the only prop that is required, but many people also include their token, client id, name, description, ... in their config. Example:
"prefix": "!",
"name": "Best Bot!",
"author": "awesome people",
"description": "does awesome things",
"token": "your-token-here",
"id": "your-application-id-here"
/* INDEX.JS */
// import/require ...
Botfuncs.setBotConfig(file); // 👈 file to your bot config
Botfuncs.initServers(file); // 👈 file to store your servers
Botfuncs.validateServers(); // 👈 validates and updates the server's data (not absolutely necessary)
client.once("ready", () => {
//ENTIRELY OPTIONAL: set Commands to use them in execCommand() later
Botfuncs.setGlobalCommandDir("./commandsDirectory"); // 👈 set the directory with all the
// commands inside (SEE: seperate command file example)
const rest = new REST({version: '10'}).token(BOT_TOKEN);
Botfuncs.putGlobalCommandsToAPI(client.user.id, rest); // 👈 PUT the global commands on the discord api
// and thereby making then slash-commands
console.log("Bot is now ready");
client.on("interactionCreate", async (interaction) => {
Botfuncs.onInteraction(interaction, (command, options, author, guildId) => {
if(command === "help") return Botfuncs.execInteractionCommand("healp", guildId, ...params/*👈 your params in the interact() function */)
client.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
Botfuncs.onMessage(message, (command, args, author, guildId, usedPrefix) => {
Botfuncs.addServer(message.guildId); // 👈 will store, save and update the server the message was created on
// if(usedPrefix === Botfuncs.getServerProp(guildId, "prefix"))
// 👆 without filter, onMessage will react to commands using the SERVER-PREFIX AND CONFIG-PREFIX
if(command === "ping") {
//👇 "reply", message, deleteTimeout, asEmbed?, deleteReplyTimeout ... (delTimeout & delReplyTimeout: 0 = don't delete )
return Botfuncs.sendMessage("pong", message, 4000, false, 0);
} else if(command === "complexCommand") {
return Botfuncs.execCommand("complexCommand", guildId, ...params /*👈 your params in the execute() function */ );
// ...
// ...
Example of a seperate command file:
module.exports = {
name: "commandName", // 👈 used as identifier
description: "description",
args: [ // 👈 important for slash-commands
{ name: "arg1", description: "descrp1", required: true },
{ name: "arg2", description: "descrp2" },
private: false, // 👈 if this command should be hidden for the system
execute(/* EXAMPLE PARAMETERS! Fully Customizable! */ message, args, client, prefix) {
message.channel.send("I know it's complicated, but you'll get a hang of it!");
interact(/* EXAMPLE PARAMETERS! Fully Customizable! */ interaction, options) {
interaction.reply("I know it's complicated, but you'll get a hang of it!");
Initializing the bot
must use before discord-client is ready:
- initServers(String: serversFile) Initializes, verifies and loads the servers/guilds and other functions. serversFile - the file of the server storage
- setBotConfig(String: configFile) Loads the bot config. configFile - the file to load the config from
- setGlobalCommands(Command[]: globalCommands) Sets the global commands via an object. (used for methods: onMessage and onMessageAuto) globalCommands - the global commands in form of a Command-array Command should have the properties name, description, pattern, onExecute.
must use upon messageCreate:
- onMessage(Discord.Message: message, Function: onMsg, Function: onRefuse, Object: filter) Ignores messages from unwated users and makes writing commands cleaner when using the param onMsg. message - the message onMsg - the function to perform when the user used the correct prefix and is not a bot onRefuse - the function to perform when the user did neither of the above filter - filter of the command-refuse (still in work)
- addServer(String|Number: guildId, Boolean: nosave = false) Adds a server to the system. (best used in param "onMsg" in the function onMessage) guildId - the id of the guild (used as server identifier) nosave - if it shouldn't save the servers to the file, but rather just add it to the currently running system
should use in context of commands:
- setGlobalCommandDir(String: directory) When you want to have some or every command in a seperate .js file, give them into one dir. Each seperate command file should have module.exports set to an object with the properties name, description and execute. See also: Example of seperate command files. directory - the path of the command directory
- execCommand(String: name, String|Number: guildId, any[]: params) executes a command, identified by its name name - the command name (identifier) guildId - the id of the guild - if it is a server-command ...params - the params of the execute() function
should use in context of interactions:
- putGlobalCommandsToAPI(Number: clientId, Discord.REST: rest) creates slash commands out of all your global commands clientId - the client id rest - an instance of REST from @discordjs/rest
- clearGlobalCommandsInAPI(Number: clientId, Discord.REST: rest) deletes all the slash commands (not locally) clientId - the client id rest - an instance of REST from @discordjs/rest
- execInteractionCommand(String: name, Number: guildId, any[]: params) executes a slash command, identified by its name name - the command name (identifier) guildId - the id of the guild - if it is a server-command ...params - the params of the execute() function
good-to-know functions:
- sendMessage(String: reply, Message: message, Integer: delTimeout, Boolean: asAnswer, Boolean: embed, Integer: delOriginTimeout) Sends a message with the options listed above
- sendInteractReply(String: reply, Interaction: interaction, Boolean: embed, Boolean: ephemeral, Integer: delTimeout, Boolean: defer) Sends an interaction reply the options listed above