A simple tool to keep certain database tables synced between different environments
db-sync is a nodejs based tool for syncing databases between different environments. It basically consists of a dump() and a fill() method for dumping databases in one environment and deploying them into another.
Note: right now, db-sync only supports MySQL databases
Example usecase
Let's assume you are building a website powered by a CMS like Processwire. You may want to replicate the changes you make in the backend of your dev-environment inside your staging environment when deploying your code.
To automate this, you could use the dump() method on your dev, which will create a .sql file and the fill() method on your staging server, to push this dump to your staging database. Include db-sync in your build script and you're good to go :-)
via NPM:
$ npm install db-sync
var sync = require('db-sync'),
dbConfig = {
host: 'localhost',
user: 'username',
password: 'pwd',
database: 'mydb'
tableBlacklist = [
sync.dump(dbConfig, tableBlacklist, './dump.sql');
sync.fill(dbConfig, './dump.sql');
dump(credentials, tableBlacklist, filename)
credentials: an object containing the info for the db connection (host, user, password, database)
tableBlacklist: an array of tablenames that should be exclude from the dump
filename: the path to the .sql file
fill(credentials, filename)
credentials: an object containing the info for the db connection (host, user, password, database)
filename: the path to the .sql file
Release History
- 2014-06-17 v0.2.0 implemented content dumping
- 2014-06-16 v0.1.0 first working version
Planned features
- make dumping and filling of content optional
Please feel free to fork, add specs, and send pull requests! In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
db-sync is published under the MIT License