Fabricate data in your MySQL DB
Fabricate and delete your data on integration testing.
npm i db-fabricate
yarn add db-fabricate
What's it?
is a simple node.js module that can create, update and delete data and also manipulate created and updated data during sessions.
Simple Example
const fab = require('db-fabricate');
const MySQLAdapter = fab.MySQLAdapter;
const Fabricator = new fab.Fabricator(new MySQLAdapter({database: 'TestDatabase'})); // CHANGE YOUR DB CREDENTIALS HERE
Fabricator.create('TestTable', {
name: '123'
}).then((id) => {
// here we have element we have created.
return Fabricator.stopSession();
}).then(() => {
// stop session killed all created elements during the session.
NOTE: Defaults for database connection are:
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
password: ''
So you can easily create integration tests with on-the-go data and simply remove it after creation.
Documentation for methods:
Will create new entity in database with passed parameters:
Fabricator.create('TestTable', {
name: '123'
}).then((id) => {
console.log(id); // id of created entity
Starts new session for fabricator. You can nest sessions. Data will be recoreded to the latest opened session. On close session all data created or modified in this session will be restored. NOTE: This works with insert, create and remove.
Fabricator.startSession(); // Session 1
Fabricator.startSession(); // Session 2
Fabricator.create('TestTable', { // will be written into Session 2
name: '123'
}).then((id) => {
// do some tests...
return Fabricator.stopSession(); // element with name 123 will be removed and Session 2 will be closed.
}).then(() => {
return Fabricator.create('TestTable', { // will be written into Session 1
name: '321'
}).then(() => {
return Fabricator.stopSession(); // element with name 321 will be removed. and Session 1 will be closed.
Stops latest opened session. On close session all data created or modified in this session will be restored.
Fabricator.stopSession().then(() => {
console.log('session closed');
Fabricator.update(table, data, constraints)
Updates entity/enitities in table
with fields and values specified in data
. Entities will be found by passed constraints.
Fabricator.update('TestTable', {name: '123'}, {id: 1}).then(() => {
// do some tests...
return Fabricator.stopSession();
}).then(() => {
console.log('session closed');
Fabricator.select(table, filter)
Selects data by given constraints
Fabricator.select('TestTable', {
id: {
$gte: 10
}).then(data => {
// do some tests
Fabricator.remove(table, data)
Removes data from table
by passed list of ids (or single id):
return Fabricator.remove('TestTable', [1], true).then(() => {
// do some tests
NOTE: Remove works with sessions. Added at 1.0.5
Fabricator.select('TestTable', [1]).then(data => {
console.log(data); // if data exists returns data
return Fabricator.remove('TestTable', [1], true);
}).then(data => {
return Fabricator.select('TestTable', [1])
}).then(data => {
console.log(data); // no data
return Fabricator.stopSession();
}).then(() => {
return Fabricator.select('TestTable', [1])
}).then(data => {
console.log(data); // revert to previous state
return Fabricator.closeConnection();
Stops all active sessions and closes connection to current database.
console.log('connection closed');
Fabricator.createTemplate(table, data)
Simple template that returns a function that can be called with some particular data and it will be written to database.
const template = Fabricator.createTemplate('TestTable', {
value1: 'test',
value2: 'test2',
value3: 'test3'
template({value1: 'replaced value'}).then(id => {
// {value1: 'replaced value', value2: 'test2', value3: 'test3'} will be stored in session and in database
return Fabricator.closeConnection(); // created data will be removed
You can insert functions that returns some value based on object or function that returns other templates as a fields to templates: implemented at 1.0.14:
const organizationTemplate = Fabricator.createTemplate('TestTable', {
name: 'Horns and Hooves LTD'
const userTemplate = Fabricator.createTemplate('TestTable', {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith',
organizationId: () => organizationTemplate(),
email: (obj) => `${obj.firstName}@gmail.com`
userTemplate({lastName: 'Lee'}).then(id => {
// organization will be created in database an it's id will be inserted into organizationId of the user
Fabricator.closeConnection(); // both organization and user will be removed from database
in function argument is an object with all pure data you passed into tempmate. In this case it will be
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith'
Constraints for Fabricator.update
You can create loopback-like constraints or your own by simply passing an SQL WHERE string. List of avaliable filters:
- {id: 1} coverts to`id` = 1
- {id: {$gt: 1}} converts to`id` > 1
- {id: {$gte: 1}} converts to`id` >= 1
- {id: {$lt: 1}} converts to`id` < 1
- {id: {$gt: 1}} converts to`id` <= 1
- {id: {$gt: 1}} converts to`id` <> 1
- {id: {$like:%12%5
}} converts to`id` like '%12%5'
- {id: {$in: [1,2,3,4,5]}} converts to`id` IN (1,2,3,4,5)
. {id: {$in:[1]}} coverts to`id` = 1
- {address: {$json: {key: 'address.city', value: 'Pkway st'}}} converts to`address`->'$.address.city' = 'Pkway st'
. Can use all filters except $or, $and or $json.$exists
- {name: {$exists: true}} converts to`name` is not null
. {name: {$exists: false}} converts to`name` is null
- can be nested. {$and: [{id: 1}, {name: '123'}]} converts to(`id` = 1 AND `name` = '123')
- can be nested. {$or: [{id: 1}, {name: '123'}]} converts to(`id` = 1 OR `name` = '123')
Constraints nesting
$or: [{
name: {
$like: 'yegor'
}, {
lastName: {
$like: 't%st'
$and: [{
jobPosition: 5,
langs: {
$in: ['ru', 'en']
id: {
$in: [1,2,3,4,5]
Will be converted to:
((`name` like 'yegor') OR (`lastName` like 't%st' AND ((`jobPosition` = 5 AND `langs` IN ('ru','en'))))) AND `id` IN (1,2,3,4,5)