db-discord is a library that uses discord guilds and text channels as databases. db-discord relies on discord.js
db-discord is a library that uses discord guilds and text channels as databases. db-discord relies on discord.js
examble on how to use db-discord in typescript
import { discordDB, login } from "db-discord";
//this interface defines the structure of the objects that the table handles
interface thing {
name: string;
//we start a function thats async so we can await stuff
(async () => {
//login to discord
let client = await login(TOKEN);
//find whatever guild you want
let guild = client.guilds.array()[0];
//init the db with set guild
//this will create a metatable in the guild
let db = await discordDB.init(guild)
//get or create the new table
//this example uses short tables which is the simples type of table to use
//a short table uses discord messages to store data, which mean fast and easy to search through, but only 2000 characters per message
let hello_there = db.getOrCreateShortTable<thing>("hello_there")
//we write a new entry to the table
let id = await hello_there.write({ name: "test" })
//here we get the entry based on the id and log it
//we can also search for the entry
let result = await shortTable.search({
searchObject: {
name: "test"
//and log it
//the search can also be filtered using regex
let result = await shortTable.search({
searchObject: {
name: "test"
regexChecker: {
name: /t.st/gm
//the search can also be modifed during the search or cut of early if the desired entry is found
let result = await shortTable.search({
searchObject: {
name: "test"
//if this callback function returns false, the search will stop and all entries will be returned
//basically think of it as a "i only want x amounts of objects that has this very specific property, and no more than that" method
//can also be used to just find the first property
//can also be used to change the properties of the entries thats gonna be returned mid-search
callback(obj) {
return !(obj.name === "test")