A set of Typescript types and helpers to work with DatoCMS Structured Text fields.
A set of Typescript types and helpers to work with DatoCMS Structured Text fields.
Using npm:
npm install datocms-structured-text-utils
Using yarn:
yarn add datocms-structured-text-utils
document validation
You can use the validate()
function to check if an object is compatible with the dast
import { validate } from 'datocms-structured-text-utils';
const structuredText = {
value: {
schema: 'dast',
document: {
type: 'root',
children: [
type: 'heading',
level: 1,
children: [
type: 'span',
value: 'Hello!',
marks: ['foobar'],
const result = validate(structuredText);
if (!result.valid) {
console.error(result.message); // "span has an invalid mark "foobar"
format specs
The package exports a number of constants that represents the rules of the dast
Take a look a the definitions.ts file for their definition:
const blockquoteNodeType = 'blockquote';
const blockNodeType = 'block';
const codeNodeType = 'code';
const headingNodeType = 'heading';
const inlineItemNodeType = 'inlineItem';
const itemLinkNodeType = 'itemLink';
const linkNodeType = 'link';
const listItemNodeType = 'listItem';
const listNodeType = 'list';
const paragraphNodeType = 'paragraph';
const rootNodeType = 'root';
const spanNodeType = 'span';
const allowedNodeTypes = [
// ...
const allowedChildren = {
paragraph: 'inlineNodes',
list: ['listItem'],
// ...
const inlineNodeTypes = [
// ...
const allowedAttributes = {
heading: ['level', 'children'],
// ...
const allowedMarks = [
// ...
Typescript Types
The package exports Typescript types for all the different nodes that a dast
document can contain.
Take a look a the types.ts file for their definition:
type Node
type BlockNode
type InlineNode
type RootType
type Root
type ParagraphType
type Paragraph
type HeadingType
type Heading
type ListType
type List
type ListItemType
type ListItem
type CodeType
type Code
type BlockquoteType
type Blockquote
type BlockType
type Block
type SpanType
type Mark
type Span
type LinkType
type Link
type ItemLinkType
type ItemLink
type InlineItemType
type InlineItem
type WithChildrenNode
type Document
type NodeType
type StructuredText
type Record
Typescript Type guards
It also exports all a number of type guards that you can use to guarantees the type of a node in some scope.
Take a look a the guards.ts file for their definition:
function hasChildren(node: Node): node is WithChildrenNode {}
function isInlineNode(node: Node): node is InlineNode {}
function isHeading(node: Node): node is Heading {}
function isSpan(node: Node): node is Span {}
function isRoot(node: Node): node is Root {}
function isParagraph(node: Node): node is Paragraph {}
function isList(node: Node): node is List {}
function isListItem(node: Node): node is ListItem {}
function isBlockquote(node: Node): node is Blockquote {}
function isBlock(node: Node): node is Block {}
function isCode(node: Node): node is Code {}
function isLink(node: Node): node is Link {}
function isItemLink(node: Node): node is ItemLink {}
function isInlineItem(node: Node): node is InlineItem {}
function isStructuredText(object: any): object is StructuredText {}