Package to convert between dateformats
This tool attempts to solve the problem that exists when trying to use different libraries that require different datetime patterns. For example, when using momentjs for dealing with dates, but a plugin for rendering a datetimepicker, most likely these two libraries will have different datetime patterns, and the developer will need to manually convert between the two. The case gets even trickier if this pattern needs to be dynamic, according to, for example, the user locale.
A component receives as an input a datetime pattern that follows the momentjs strucutre. It then renders a datetimepicker from bootstrap-datetimepicker. Since these two libraries use different datetime patterns, in order to use, for example, the momentjs pattern 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss A' it would be necessary to convert it to 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii:ss P'. This is very unpractical and this tool aims at simplifying this task.
Getting Started
In order to install this software, you will need:
- Node version 6.*
- npm version 3.* (comes with Node 6.*)
To install this package, run
npm install dateformat-converter
Project Setup for development:
To get a copy of this repository for local development, follow these steps
git clone
cd dateformat-converter
npm run setup
Running the Tests
To run the project unit tests, run
npm test
To see the coverage results in HTML format, run
npm run test:results
var dateformatConverter = require('dateformat-converter');
var newDateFormat = dateformatConverter.convert('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss A', 'momentjs', 'jquery-dateFormat');
require('dateformat-converter', function(dateformatConverter) {
var newDateFormat = dateformatConverter.convert('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss A', 'momentjs', 'jquery-dateFormat');
<script src="dist/dateformat-converter.min.js"></script>
var newDateFormat = dateformatConverter.convert('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss A', 'momentjs', 'jquery-dateFormat');
The library exports two methods
- configurationName (String)
- configurationObject (Object)
This method allows to register or replace a pattern. You need to provide the pattern name and its configuration.
convert(String, String, String)
- valueToConvert (String)
- sourceFormat (String)
- destinationFormat (String)
This method performs the conversion of the valueToConvert
, that is specified in the sourceFormat
into the destinationFormat
Configuration object
If you choose to create your own pattern for translation, you need to pass in an object with a subset of the following properties:
lowerCaseMeridian: '<Post or ante meridiem (lower case)>',
upperCaseMeridian: '<Post or ante meridiem (upper case)>',
secondsSimple: '<Seconds without leading zero>',
secondsLeading: '<Seconds with leading zero>',
minutesSimple: '<Minutes without leading zero>',
minutesLeading: '<Minutes with leading zero>',
hoursSimple24Format: '<Hours in 24h format without leading zero>',
hoursLeading24Format: '<Hours in 24h format with leading zero>',
hoursSimple12Format: '<Hours in 12h format without leading zero>',
hoursLeading12Format: '<Hours in 12h format with leading zero>',
daysSimple: '<Day of month without leading zero>',
daysLeading: '<Day of month with leading zero>',
monthsSimple: '<Month number without leading zero>',
monthsLeading: '<Month number with leading zero>',
monthsSimpleText: '<Short month name>',
monthsFullText: '<Long month name>',
yearsTwoDigits: '<2 digit year>',
yearsFourDigits: '<4 digit year>',
unixTimestamp: '<Unix timestamp>',
timezoneName: '<Offset from UTC>'
For example, for momentjs, the configuration object looks like
lowerCaseMeridian: 'p',
upperCaseMeridian: 'A',
secondsSimple: 's',
secondsLeading: 'ss',
minutesSimple: 'm',
minutesLeading: 'mm',
hoursSimple24Format: 'H',
hoursLeading24Format: 'HH',
hoursSimple12Format: 'h',
hoursLeading12Format: 'hh',
daysSimple: 'D',
daysLeading: 'DD',
monthsSimple: 'M',
monthsLeading: 'MM',
monthsSimpleText: 'MMM',
monthsFullText: 'MMMM',
yearsTwoDigits: 'YY',
yearsFourDigits: 'YYYY',
unixTimestamp: 'X',
timezoneName: 'Z'
Built in patterns
Issues and Pull Requests welcome!
- João Marques - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details