datass helps you finish quicker. its lightweight, flexible, and unopinionated.
// goddammitcopilot just tellme how I make an image in markdowm
data super store [WIP]
its lightweight, flexible, and unopinionated. if ur feeling like switching it up, u should give datass a shot.
Jokes aside...
datass is a state management library for React that experimentally focuses on minimizing re-renders.
Selectors are cached and even when a store's state changes a datass store hook will only cause a component to re-render if the result of the selector is different from the previous result.
Consider this:
// We create a store with an array of numbers.
const $numbers = datass.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
// We hook into the store inside of a component using
// a hook/selector that filters out any odd numbers.
// The result here is [2, 4].
const evenNumbers = $numbers.useFilter((number) => number % 2 === 0)
// We then update the store with a new set of numbers, but
// we leave out any odd numbers.
$numbers.set([2, 4])
In the case above, the hook into $numbers will not cause a re-render because the resulting length and values of the array produced by the selector applied to [2, 4] is the same resulting length and values of the array produced by the selector applied to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
TODO: Thorough documentation.
import { datass } from 'datass'
const $isReady = datass.boolean(false)
const isNotReady = $isReady.use((isReady) => !isReady)
const $count = datass.number(0)
const isCountEven = $count.use((count) => count % 2 === 0)
$count.set(102) // ^ this hook will not cause a re-render
// because the result of the selector using count as 102 is
// the same result as using count as 100.
const $name = datass.string('world')
const firstLetter = $name.use((name) => name[0])
$name.set('debbie') // ^ this hook will not cause a re-render
// because the result of the selector using 'debbie' as the
// name is the same result as using 'datass' as the name.
const $users = datass.array(['alice', 'bob', 'charlie'])
$users.set(['alice', 'bob', 'charlie', 'daniel'])
$users.useMap((user) => user.length)
$users.useFilter((user) => user.length > 5)
const $person = datass.object({ name: 'alice', age: 20 })
$person.use((person) =>
$person.set({ name: 'bob', age: 25 }) // causes a re-render
$person.set({ name: 'bob', age: 99 }) // does not cause a re-render