very simple synchronizing document-style database
Simple distributed/synchronized database for use in webapps. Client apps instantiate a DB() which connects to the server and gives them a read/write view of a shared set of "pages" (aka "documents" or "objects" or "records"). Changes propogate quickly and persist.
Changes are tagged with who did them, currenly using webgram SessionID. We may want to use real user identity instead, but maybe not, since we might want to distinguish between a change I made on my tablet vs laptop vs incognito mode somewhere. With SessionIDs we need to do another level of mapping though, which could get annoying.
API style is inspired by crosscloud.js
Basic Operation
Set up your objects the way you want, linked to each other, or whatever, and the ones you want exposed to the outside world, you call db.add() on them.
After you've added them, if you want to change one of them, you can either ask the system to make the change, using db.overlay, or you can make the change yourself and call db.flush. Someday we might use Proxy to auto-flush, but then we'd have to create all the page objects for you. That would make nested objects/graphs more of a pain.