Provides many utilities such as finding similar sounding words, words with similar meanings, words related to other words, words that certain letters, etc. Essentially a wrapper of the Datamuse API.
Provides many word utilities. Essentially a wrapper of Datamuse API.
Table of Contents
What is it?
datamuse-word-utils is intended to provide useful functionalities for working with words. Examples include finding words with similar meanings, similar sounding words, related words, similarly spelled words, etc. Queries can be further targeted by specifying starting and ending letters along with selecting a topic of interest. Methods are meant to be repeatedly chained, simplifying the process of using the API.
Important Note
Please note that the package is essentially a wrapper of the Datamuse API, meaning ALL available functions are asynchronous. I only included functionality I believed to be the most essential, and left certain endpoints out of the package. If you wish to further look into the API for more niche solutions, please visit the Datamuse API.
The package is ESM only. Install with npm.
npm install datamuse-word-utils
import WordUtils from 'datamuse-word-utils'
List of Methods
Methods are categorized as basic, rel (related), or md (metadata) based on their stratification on the documentation of the Datamuse API.
- Basic functions are standard utilities.
- Rel functions are used for related word constraints, and modify the rel parameter of the endpoint.
- Md functions do not alter the words being outputted, but append additional lexical information to the existing results.
Basic methods
Results have a meaning related to this string value, which can be any word or sequence of words.
Requires that the results are pronounced similarly to the passed in string of characters.
Required that the results are spelled similarly to the passed in string, or that they match the wildcard pattern recognized by the Datamuse API. A pattern can include any combination of alphanumeric characters and the symbols described on the page. NOTE: Using this method requires extra work and is not recommended considering the existence of the startsWith, endsWith, and startEndBetween methods.
Requires that the results start with the passed in string of characters.
Requires that the results end with the passed in string of characters.
Requires that the results start and end with the passed in parameters while having a variable number of letters between them. (For example, it could be used to return all words that start with t and k and have 2 letters in between them). start and end both expect string inputs, whereas betweenCount expects an integer input.
startsWith(start, end, betweenCount)
An optional hint to the system about the theme of the document being written. Results will be skewed toward these topics. At most 5 words can be specified. Space or comma delimited.
Number of results to return, not to exceed 1000. The default is set to 100.
After chaining other methods, call the fetch method to return the promise object. A fetch method MUST be called at the end of each request to view or use your results!
After chaining other methods, call the printFetch method to print the JSON given by an endpoint. A fetch method MUST be called at the end of each request to view or use your results!
Rel methods
Returns adjectives used to modify the passed in noun.
Returns nouns modified by the passed in adjective.
Returns synonyms of the input parameter.
Returns antonyms of the input parameter.
Returns homophones of the input parameter.
Returns hyponyms of the input parameter. A hyponym is something of more specific meaning than a general or subordinate term. For example, spoon is a hyponym for cutlery.
Returns hypernyms of the input parameter. A hypernym is a word of broad meaning that more specific words fall under. For example, boat is a hypernym of gondola.
Returns "triggers" (words that are statistically associated with the query word in the same piece of text). For example, an input of cow would produce milking as one possible output.
Metadata (md) methods
Appends all associated metadata (definitons, parts of speech, syllable count, and pronunciation).
Appends definitions to results. Produced in the defs field of the result object.
Appends parts of speech to results. One or more part-of-speech codes will be added to the tags field of the result object. "n" means noun, "v" means verb, "adj" means adjective, "adv" means adverb, and "u" means that the part of speech is none of these or cannot be determined. Multiple entries will be added when the word's part of speech is ambiguous, with the most popular part of speech listed first.
Appends syllable count to results. Produced in the numSyllables field of the result object.
Appends pronunciation to results. Produced in the tags field of the result object, prefixed by "pron:". This is the Datamuse API's best guess for the pronunciation of the word or phrase. The format of the pronunication is a space-delimited list of Arpabet phoneme codes.
How to Use + Examples
Note that the functions are asynchronous due to their nature of utilizing an API. You should await the results to see functionality as expected. Not doing so will result in flawed queries. The core principle is that you can chain any of the functions listed above in ANY order and still get the same results in the end.
import WordUtils from 'datamuse-word-utils';
const util = new WordUtils();
async function getResults() {
// Words with a meaning similar to 'ringing in the ears'
const similar = await util.similarMeaning("ringing in the ears").fetch();
// Words that sound like 'jirraf'
await util.soundsLike("jirraf").printFetch();
// Words that are spelled like 'hipopatamuus'
await util.spelledLike("hipopatamuus").printFetch();
// Words with a similar meaning to 'dog' that start with a 'w', end with an 'f', and sound like 'woof' (returns 'wolf')
const meanings = await util.similarMeaning("dog").startsWith("w").endsWith("f").soundsLike("woof").fetch();
// Words that sound like 'worm' sorted by how related they are to temperature (limited to 10 results)
await util.soundsLike("worm").topic("temperature").numResults(10).printFetch();
// Words with similar meanings to 'spoon' that end with 'a' shown with their definitions in the resulting JSON
await util.definitions().endsWith("a").similarMeaning("spoon").printFetch();
// Words that start with 'w', end with 'f', and have two letters in between
await util.startEndBetween("w", "f", 2).printFetch();
// Synonyms for 'basic'
const synonyms = await util.synonyms("basic").fetch();
// Homophones for 'bare' that are also nouns modified by the adjective 'grizzly' (returns 'bear')
const homophones = await util.homophones("bare").wordsModifiedByAdjective("grizzly").fetch();
// Adjectives used to describe 'feet' that are also antonyms of 'clean' (returns 'dirty')
await util.adjectives("feet").antonyms("clean").printFetch();
// Hyponyms (terms more specific) for 'cutlery', such as 'spoon'
await util.hyponyms("cutlery").printFetch();
// Hypernyms (terms more general) for 'gondola', such as 'boat'
const hypernyms = util.hypernyms("gondola").fetch();
// Words that are triggered by (strongly associated with) the word 'cow'
await util.triggers("cow").printFetch();
// Words that sound like bottle with all associated metadata shown in the results
await util.soundsLike("bottle").allMetadata().printFetch();
// Words that are spelled like 'hipopatamuus' with definitions and pronunciations shown in the resulting JSON
await util.definitions().pronunciation().spelledLike("mouse").printFetch();
What will not work, however, is the following:
const util = new WordUtils();
Due to the asynchronous nature of the functions, using two methods on the same class instance without waiting for the completion of one will lead to errors. If you wish to do something like this, you MUST use different class instances to prevent overwriting.
const util = new WordUtils();
const utilTwo = new WordUtils();
MIT License (see the license
file in this repository)
A huge thanks to the Datamuse API. If you use this package, please include the Datamuse API in your credits since they have made this possible. Also check it out if you wish to make more detailed queries - this is just a wrapper. Created by Pradyun Bhaskar