Hooks html tags to js actions by using custom data attributes. Bootsratp style. Specifically useful for easily handling click events.
Easily hook html to js
It hooks between HTML tags and attributes to js functions or events.
- Web:
<script src=""></script>
- Node:
npm i data-ws-hooks
How to use?
Important! This works if css defines class "hidden" as "display:none", as the hiding here works by toggling this class
- HTML Attributes
| Attribute | Note | Example |
| data-ws-onclick | When element is clicked - it will trigger one of the 3, in that order of precedence: - Fire an action, like hide all elements of class x. See list of actions later. - Fire a window.wsGlobals function - Fire a global window function. Supports nested functions by dot notation. | - <button data-ws-onclick="hideClass:popup">Close popup</button>
- <button data-ws-onclick="signin">Sign In</button>
| data-ws-src | Sets a "src" attribute with its value as the "data-ws-src", so to lazy load src instead of blocking the user experience. | - <iframe data-ws-src="/embedded/feedback_form.html"/>
| data-ws-tab | Combined with the classes: "tab-selector", "tab-selector selected", "tab-section", "tab-section hidden" it gives a tab functionality. Important! Allows a single set of tabs per page! | <div><span class="tab-selector selected" data-ws-tab="tab1">Tab1</span><span class="tab-selector" data-ws-tab="tab2">Tab2</span></div>
| data-ws-toggle-hidden-data | Defines elements to be toggled 'hidden' class when a respective button is clicked. | <div data-ws-toggle-hidden-data='signin-dialog'>...</div>
| data-ws-toggle-hidden-button | When clicked, toggle 'hidden' class on all elements that share the value in their "data-ws-toggle-hidden-data" attribute. | <button data-ws-toggle-hidden-button='signin-dialog'>Sign In</button>
- Built-in onclick actions
Run as:
| Actions | Note | Example |
| hideClass:some_class | Hide all elements of class some_class. | - <button data-ws-onclick="hideClass:popup">Close popup</button>
| copy: | Copy the value attribute of clicked element | - <input data-ws-onclick="copy" type:"text" value="this will be copied"/>
| copy:#some_element_id | Copy the value attribute of #some_element_id element | - <button data-ws-onclick="copy:#some_element_id" >Copy</button>
This is used on the following sites:
- It sometimes hides by styling directly and sometimes by toggling "hidden" class. Inconsistent...
- Allow more than a single set of tabs on page... Perhaps contain tabs in a parent...
How to contribute & publish updates to this package?
- This package is published both on GitHub and on npmjs.
- To publish an updated version - simply run
npm publish
, it will commit & push updates both to github and npm.