You know you love these movies, how 'bout you do some cool things with their data?
Data Of The Rings
Coding Challenge SDK
This SDK is for a coding challenge. It lets you access an API for data on movies from a popular fantasy franchise.
Once you've installed the module...
Get a Token
Do this here.
Instantiate the SDK
const DOTR = require('data-of-the-rings')('<your-access-token>');
You can alternatively set your token in your environment as THE_ONE_API_ACCESS_TOKEN
const DOTR = require('data-of-the-rings')();
Make Requests
async function askTheQuestion() {
const movies = await DOTR.movies();
return `Have you seen all these movies:\n${ =>', ')}?`;
Currently Available API
// Returns data around LOTR films
movies(filters: <optional, Filter object>)
// Returns a specific films data,
// requires an _id for the film from a call to `movies`
movie(id: <required, _id string>, filters: <optional, Filter object>)
// Return quotes from a specified film,
// As of this writing quotes only exist for the original LOTR Trilogy of films
quotes(id: <required, _id string>, filters: <optional, Filter object>)
Filter Results
Results can be filtered in a number of ways. Start by creating a filter object.
const myFilters = DOTR.newFilter();
And then add a filter, you can chain as many as you'd like:
myFilters.any("race", "hobbit", "dwarf").exists("spouse");
Then pass myFilters
as the optional filters parameter in any of the calls above.
Supported Filters
.any(field, ...vals) // Matches when the fields value equals any of the subsequent params
.none(field, ...vals) // Matches when the fields value doesn't equal any subsequent params
.exist(field) // Matches when the field exists on an object
.dne(field) // Matches when the field does not exist
.gt(field, val) // Matches when fields value is strictly greater than val
.gte(field, val) // Matches when fields value is greater or equal to val
.lt(field, val) // Matches when fields value is strictly less than val
.lte(field, val) // Matches when fields value is less than or equal to val
You can also control paging behavior for calls using a filter object
.page(num) // Which page of data do you want to request
.limit(num) // How many documents per page (defaults to 100)
.offset(num) // How many documents should we offset from the beginning
Have fun! Don't go putting on any rings with fiery script on them.