A utility to reduce requests to Firestore via batching and caching.
data-loader-firestore is a utility to reduce requests to Firestore via memoisation. This means requests to Firestore for the same document aren't duplicated, as long as they are carried out on the same instance of FirestoreDataLoader. Among other use cases, it can be very useful in a GraphQL server (explained here), such as Apollo Server v4.
To add data-loader-firestore to your project:
npm install --save data-loader-firestore
Get the document 'userId' from the users collection:
import { getFirestore, DocumentData } from "firebase-admin/firestore";
import { FirestoreDataLoader } from "data-loader-firestore";
const firestore = getFirestore();
interface User extends DocumentData {
name: string;
role: string;
const users = new FirestoreDataLoader<User>(firestore, "users");
// Returns { _id: 'userId', _path: '/users/userId', name: "Jane", role: "student" }
const user = await users.fetchDocById("userId");
Get the document 'postId' from the posts collection of the user 'userId' in the users collection:
interface UserPost extends DocumentData {
title: string;
const userPosts = new FirestoreDataLoader<UserPost>(
// Returns { _id: 'postId', _path: '/users/userId/posts/postId', title: "My first post" }
const post = await userPosts.fetchDocById("userId", "postId");
Get all users:
// Returns [
// { _id: 'userId', _path: '/users/userId', name: "Jane", role: "student" },
// { _id: 'userId1', _path: '/users/userId1', name: "Jack", role: "teacher" }
// { _id: 'userId2', _path: '/users/userId2', name: "John", role: "student" }
// ]
const students = await users.fetchDocs();
Get all users with the role 'student':
// Returns [
// { _id: 'userId', _path: '/users/userId', name: "Jane", role: "student" },
// { _id: 'userId2', _path: '/users/userId2', name: "John", role: "student" }
// ]
const students = await users.fetchDocsByQuery((usersCollection) =>
usersCollection.where("role", "==", "student")
Create a user with the document ID 'msmith':
// Returns { _id: 'msmith', _path: '/users/msmith', name: "Mary Smith", role: "student" }
const students = await users.createDoc(
name: "Mary Smith",
role: "teacher",
To update the role of the document 'msmith':
// Returns { _id: 'msmith', _path: '/users/msmith', name: "Mary Smith", role: "retured" }
const students = await users.createDoc(
role: "retired",
Create a user with a generated document ID:
// Returns { _id: 'generatedId', _path: '/users/generatedId', name: "Mary Smith", role: "student" }
const students = await users.createDoc(
name: "Mary Smith",
role: "teacher",
Planned features
- [x] Data memoisation
- [x] Getting documents by ID
- [x] Getting documents by query
- [x] Creating documents
- [ ] Choice to disable memoisation for specific calls
- [ ] User-defined dataloader support
- [x] Collection group support
- [ ] Clearing a memoised document
- [ ] Caching support
If you'd like to contribute to this project, you can install the dependencies with:
npm install
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
Set up your code editor to use the ESLint and Prettier on save.
Tests are run automatically on pre-commit via Husky. You can also run them manually with:
firebase emulators:start --only firestore
npm run test
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.