comparing data structure between different systems
#Data Comparer Comparing data easily from the same api of different systems (useful after migrations).
npm i data-comparer
import {compareSysData, Validator} from "data-comparer";
// Lets say we have a class to wrap my system's api, customizable to different environments
class MySys {
public name: string;
constructor(private env: number) { = `sys ${this.env}`;
// We can query the data using an async api method.
public async getInfo() {
return this.env;
// Lets define our relevant environments
const mySystems = [
new MySys(1),
new MySys(1),
new MySys(1),
new MySys(3),
new MySys(5),
console.log(`~~~ Example ~~~`);
(async() => {
console.log('==== via class:');
// Create a validator for our tested systems.
const validator = new Validator<MySys>(mySystems);
// Now validating with...
let res = await validator.validate<number>({
query: sys => sys.getInfo(), // How we query each system (supports promises)
compare: (d1, d2) => ({success: d1 == d2, delta: d1 - d2}), // How we compare two sets of system data
strategy: 'mesh' // The compare strategy - more later
console.log(res.queryErrors); // Errors from querying data
console.log(res.results); // Comparison results
console.log('==== comparing via function:');
res = await compareSysData<MySys, number>(
mySystems, // Our tested api wrappers
sys => sys.getInfo(), // How we query each system (supports promises)
(d1, d2) => ({success: d1 == d2, delta: d1 - d2}), // How we compare two sets of system data
###Compare Strategies
- linear: sys1 with sys2, sys2 with sys3, sys3 with sys4, etc.
- mesh: each system with each other system.
- or just send a custom function from type:
export type CompareStrategyFn<T extends System, D> = (datas: Map<T, D>, compare: CompareFn<D>) => CompareInfo<T>[];
export interface CompareInfo<T extends System> {
sys1 : T,
sys2 : T,
result : CompareResult|Promise<CompareResult>
export interface CompareResult {
success: boolean;
##Running the example After cloning the repo',
npm i && npm start
for running the tests
npm test