Dark Mode Module To For Simple Websites. How To Use:- Have a button with an id of theme in your website and have two images that indicates if the theme is dark or light and have it in this '../../dist/assets/yourpng.png' kind of directory. Have the colors
----------About The Package----------
This package is a simple package that you can use to add a dark mode or light mode switcher (I actually don't know what that means too. But you get the idea right?).
----------What You Need In Your Project----------
- You should have a button with an id of 'theme' so that the user can change the theme manually.
- You should have two icons to indicate if the user is currently in Dark mode or Light mode.
----------How To Setup----------
- Install the package.
- Use it by calling it like this: "themeswitch()".
- And in the brackets pass in the the two icons I mentioned earlier (Note: Please pass the light mode icon first then the dark mode icon);