✨ A simple CLI commander system
🦄 Daph
- A simple CLI commander system ✨
📥 Installation
Using yarn:
$ yarn add daph
Using npm:
$ npm install daph
🔧 Usage
.createCommand(ICommand, callback(commandName, args) => unknown) // create command
.createCommand(ICommand, callback(commandName, args) => unknown) // create another command
.help() // If none of the above commands are used, execute the help command.
: Where command is defined to be used when separating arguments. Structure:
name: "test", // Command name
usage: "--message <your_message>", // Command usage
example: [ "--message Hello, world!", "-m Test message" ], // Usage examples
category: "test", // Command category
aliases: [ "t" ], // Command aliases
description: "just a test command", // Command description
argDefinitions: [
{ name: "message", type: String, aliases: [ "m" ] }
] // Arg definition array (Learn about ArgDefinition below)
: Where options are defined to be used when separating arguments. Structure:
name: "message", // Option name
type: String // Option type (function)
aliases?: [ "m" ], // Option aliases (optional)
default?: false, // optional
isOptional?: false // optional
callback(commandName, args) => unknown
: If the command you set is used, the action to be applied. Example:
daph.createCommand(ICommand, (commandName, args) => { // callback(commandName, args) ⬇️
console.log("You used", commandName, "command with arguments", args);
🛠️ Example
import daph from "daph";
name: "install",
usage: "<module_name> [--version] <package_version>",
example: [ "daph", "bargs --version 1.0.1" ],
category: "utility",
aliases: [ "i", "add" ],
description: "Install packages from server",
argDefinitions: [
{ name: "module", type: String, default: true },
{ name: "version", type: String, isOptional: true }
}, (commandName, args) => {
const { module, version } = args;
console.log("You have downloaded package", module, "with version" version ? version : "latest");
🔗 Contributing / Issues / Ideas
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