A framework to simplify setup of a http server
#About Danger Zone Server
DZS is a basic framework for creating an HTTP server with routes, to keep you out of the Danger Zone. It allows you to easily write files and header messages upon request. Danger Zone Server also implements the following REST requests:
Initialize your repository.
npm init
Then do:
npm install --save-dev danger-zone-server
after installing danger-zone-server the user must then download all dev Dependencies
npm install
##Getting Started
DZS consists of an HTTP router and helpful methods that streamline writing response headers. Here is the simplest way to implement it:
To use Danger Zone Server, the user must require in the package in your route project directory.
var dzs = require('danger-zone-server');
var router = new dzs.Router();
const server = dzs.server(router.route());
##Custom Routes The package simplifies route header generation by simply putting into the server code the path and the messages you need generated.
router.method(path, (req, res) => {
headMessage(res, status, contentType, bodyMsg );
return res.end();
For example, a GET request to /maverick would look like
router.get('/maverick', function(req, res) {
dzs.headMessage(res, '200', 'text/plain', 'I feel the need...the need for speed');
return res.end();
For example, a POST request to /goose would look like
router.post('/iceman', function(req, res) {
dzs.headMessage(res, '200', 'text/plain', 'You can be my wing man anytime!');
return res.end();
##Custom Ports The package allows the user to choose the local port that their server runs on. By default the local port will be 8888, if the user desires a different local port number they add it in as a command line argument.
node index.js [port]
for example
node index.js 3333
Would set the local port to 3333;