A construct that deploys a CloudWatch cronjob that will trigger a Lambda that will fetch the yesterday usage of AWS and send it to a SNS as a spoofed ECR CloudWatch event that can be parsed by AWS Chatbot and send to Slack.
Daily spend to slack
A construct that deploys a CloudWatch cronjob that will trigger a Lambda that will fetch the yesterday usage of AWS and send it to a SNS as a spoofed ECR CloudWatch event that can be parsed by AWS Chatbot and send to Slack.
Yes, that was a mouthful. But the general idea is that to create a FinOps/Cost optimization culture in your team, your team also needs to know what they are spending. That is why I created this. This construct will deliver the yesterday usage to your slack channel of choice. This can also be a private channel.
Manual steps
Your AWS account must be connected with your Slack channel. This can't be done by IaC but involves manual steps.
- Follow the steps of Step 1 in the category "Setting up AWS Chatbot with Slack"
CDK steps
'use strict';
import { App, Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Schedule } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-events';
import { DailySpendToSlack } from './index';
const app = new App();
const stack = new Stack(app, 'DailySpendToSlack');
new DailySpendToSlack(stack, 'DailySpendToSlack', {
schedule: Schedule.cron({ minute: '0', hour: '9' }),
slackWorkspaceId: '',
slackChannelId: '',
slackChannelName: '',
accountName: 'stroobants.dev',
: Schedule - The schedule it should run on, for exampleSchedule.cron({ minute: '0', hour: '9' })
means everyday at 09:00 UTCslackWorkspaceId
: string - The ID that AWS generates for (see picture below)slackChannelId
: string - The ID of the Slack Channel (Open slack, right-click on the channel you want the bot in, Copy link) ->https://cloudar.slack.com/archives/{slackChannelId}
: string - The name of the Slack channel (this will be used to generate the Configuration name)accountName
: string - You can give the bot a recognizable name, lowercase, max 30 and only.-
allowed (could be more but that is what I tested)