Libraries for quickly building command line interfaces
Dada CLI Tools
A set of libraries for making CLI tools. This package was made for my personal purposes, not for usage by a general public, which is why there's very little documentation.
Used in conjunction with dada-cli-create, for quickly bootstrapping new CLI projects.
Included libraries
The items included here were all created as needed while making CLI tools in the past.
| Name | Description |
| argparse
| Parsing command line arguments and displaying usage help |
| cache
| Data caching and retrieval |
| cookies
| Parsing cookie files for making requests |
| log
| Message logging to stdout and to log files |
| request
| Requesting data over the network |
| util/error
| Helper functions for working with exceptions |
| util/exec
| Simplified external process execution |
| util/fs
| File and path operations |
| util/html
| Functions for processing HTML with Cheerio |
| util/misc
| Various small helper functions that don't fit anywhere else |
| util/output
| Printing data in various forms (JSON, XML, etc) |
| util/promise
| Promise-related helper functions |
| util/query
| URL string manipulation |
| util/slug
| String slug generator |
| util/text
| Text manipulation helper functions |
| util/vm
| Helper functions for extracting data from JS script tags |
| util/xml
| XML manipulation functions |
To import:
const { resolveTilde } = require('dada-cli-tools/util/fs')
const { outputXML } = require('dada-cli-tools/util/output')
const { loadCookiesLogged } = require('dada-cli-tools/cookies')
const { logError, logInfo } = require('dada-cli-tools/log')
No documentation is available.
MIT license.