DOM manipulation micro-library
Micro dom manipulation library. Because jQuery is not needed always.
- Compatible with modern browsers and IE 11
- Installable with NPM
npm install d_js
and bowerbower install d.js
- Compatible with AMD, commonJS and global javascript
- Only 4Kb (minified)
- HTML & SVG support
Usage example:
//Get all .buttons elements
var buttons = d.getAll('.buttons');
//Change css properties
d.css(buttons, {
fontFamily: 'Arial',
color: 'red',
transition: 'all 2s'
//Handle events
d.on('click', buttons, () => alert('clicked'));
Returns the first element found:
- query A string with the selector, an object
{"selector": elementContext}
or a Node/NodeList
var container = d.get('.container');
//Use an object to specify the context
var buttonInContainer = d.get({'.button': container});
Returns NodeList
with all elements found:
- query A string with the selector or an object
{"selector": elementContext}
d.getAll('.button').forEach(el => el.classList.add('selected'));
d.getSiblings(element, query)
Returns an Array
with all siblings of another.
- element A string with the selector, an object
{"selector": elementContext}
or a Node/NodeList - query Optional string to filter the siblings
d.getSiblings('li'); //return all siblings
d.getSiblings('li', '.filtered'); //return all siblings with class '.filtered'
d.on(event, query, callback, useCapture)
Attach an event to the elements
- event A string with the event name or an instance of
- query A string with the selector, an object
{"selector": elementContext}
or a Node/NodeList - callback The event callback
- useCapture (optional)
function clickAction(e) {
alert('Event ' + e.type);
d.on('click', '.button', clickAction);
d.delegate(event, query, target, callback, useCapture)
Delegate an event to the elements
- event A string with the event name or an instance of
- query A string with the selector, an object
{"selector": elementContext}
or a Node/NodeList - target A string with the target selector
- callback The event callback
- useCapture (optional)
function clickAction(e) {
alert('Event ' + e.type);
d.on('click', '.navigation', 'a', clickAction);
d.off(event, query, callback, useCapture)
Removes an event from the elements
- event A string with the event name or an instance of
- query A string with the selector, an object
{"selector": elementContext}
or a Node/NodeList - callback The event callback
- useCapture (optional)
d.off('click', '.button', clickAction);
d.trigger(event, query)
Trigger an event of the elements
- event A string with the event name or an instance of
- query A string with the selector, an object
{"selector": elementContext}
or a Node/NodeList
d.trigger('click', '.button');
Set/get data-*
attributes. It can detect and convert primitive types like integers, floats and booleans. If it's an array or object, is converted to json.
- query A string with the selector, array of elements or a Node/NodeList/HTMLCollection instance
- name A string with the name of the data attribute, an array of names or an object with name/values
- value The new value of the property
//Get a data value
var clicked = d.data('.button', 'clicked');
//Set a new value
d.data('.button', 'clicked', true);
//Set several values
d.data('.button', {
boolean: true,
array: ['blue', 'red', 'green'],
object: {one: '1', two: 2},
integer: 123,
float: 123.45,
//Get some values
var someValues = d.data('.button', ['clicked', 'boolean', 'array']);
//Get all values
var allValues = d.data('.button');
Set/get the css properties of the first element. The vendor prefixes are handled automatically.
- query A string with the selector, array of elements or a NodeList/HTMLCollection instance
- prop A string with the property name or an object with property/values
- value The new value of the property
//Get the value
var color = d.css('.button', 'color');
//Set a new value
d.css('.button', 'color', 'blue');
//Set several values
d.css('.button', {
color: 'red',
backgroundColor: ['blue', 'red', 'green'], //set different values for each element
transform: 'rotate(5deg)' //don't care about vendor prefixes
width: function (el, index) { //use a function to calculate the value for each element
return (100 + (100*index)) + 'px';
Parses html and returns a DocumentFragment
- html A string with the code to parse
//parse one element
var button = d.parse('<button>Hello</button>').firstChild;
//parse a list of elements
var buttons = d.parse('<button>Hello</button><button>World</button>');
This library provides also some polyfills to add support for some DOM manipulation convenience methods missing in Explorer and Edge: