Interpolate Curves
This module provides a select of methods for generating number value interpolators from D3 curve functions.
D3 has d3-interpolate functions, for example `d3.interpolateBasis()`, for interpolating a series in numbers into a curve using the Basis interpolation algorithm.
D3 also has d3-curve functions, like `d3.curveCardinal()` and `d3.curveMonotoneX()`, which can be used to quickly generate SVG curve paths.
However, interpolate functions like `d3.interpolateCardinal()` and `d3.interpolateMonotoneX()` do not currently exist in D3, this limits us to to only be able to generate Cardinal and MonotoneX curves for SVG and not for things like X3D.
The d3-interpolate-curve plugin has been written to fill this gap to provide missing interpolation functions like `d3.interpolateCardinal()` and `d3.interpolateMonotoneX()` as well as `d3.interpolateFromCurve()`.
If you use NPM, npm install d3-interpolate-curve
Otherwise, download the latest release.
Alternativly in vanilla JS:
<script src="https://raw.githack.com/jamesleesaunders/d3-interpolate-curve/dist/d3-interpolate.js"></script>
var interpolate = d3.interpolateFromCurve([1,2,7,2], d3.curveMonotoneX, 0.00001, 100);
API Reference
# d3.interpolateFromCurve(values, curve, epsilon, samples) · Source, Examples
Returns interpolator based on D3 curve function; d3.curveCardinal(), d3.curveLinear(), d3.curveMonotoneX() etc.
var interpolate = d3.interpolateFromCurve([1,2,7,2], d3.curveMonotoneX, 0.00001, 100);
# d3.interpolateCardinal(values) · Source, Examples
Returns interpolator based on cubic Cardinal spline.
var interpolate = d3.interpolateCardinal([1,2,7,2]);
# d3.interpolateCatmullRom(values) · Source, Examples
Returns interpolator based on a cubic Catmull–Rom spline.
var interpolate = d3.interpolateCatmullRom([1,2,7,2]);
# d3.interpolateMonotoneX(values) · Source, Examples
Returns interpolator based on MonotoneX spline.
var interpolate = d3.interpolateMonotoneX([1,2,7,2]);
- Andreas Plesch - hugh credit for goes to Andreas who came up with the original concept for this module.
- Mike Bostock - for advice on converting SVG curves.