verbose helper functions to make d3-selection bit less verbose for general html creation and manipulation
Verbose helper functions to make d3-selection bit less verbose for general html creation and manipulation.
Include as script tag (after d3) or use require("d3-html"). Make sure d3-selection is in nodepath if using the latter approach.
Then rock and roll:
Full API selection.*()
A(contents: string): *
selection.A() creates <a> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Abbr(contents: string): *
selection.Abbr() creates <abbr> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Accept(value: string): *
selection.Accept() get or change accept attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Accesskey(value: string): *
selection.Accesskey() get or change accesskey attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Action(value: string): *
selection.Action() get or change action attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Address(contents: string): *
selection.Address() creates <address> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
AlignContent(value: string): *
selection.AlignContent() get or change align-content style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
AlignItems(value: string): *
selection.AlignItems() get or change align-items style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
AlignSelf(value: string): *
selection.AlignSelf() get or change align-self style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Alt(value: string): *
selection.Alt() get or change alt attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Area(contents: string): *
selection.Area() creates <area> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Article(contents: string): *
selection.Article() creates <article> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Aside(contents: string): *
selection.Aside() creates <aside> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Audio(contents: string): *
selection.Audio() creates <audio> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Autocomplete(value: string): *
selection.Autocomplete() get or change autocomplete attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Autofocus(value: string): *
selection.Autofocus() get or change autofocus attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
B(contents: string): *
selection.B() creates <b> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Background(value: string): *
selection.Background() get or change background style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundAttachment(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundAttachment() get or change background-attachment style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundBlendMode(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundBlendMode() get or change background-blend-mode style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundClip(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundClip() get or change background-clip style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundColor(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundColor() get or change background-color style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundImage(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundImage() get or change background-image style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundOrigin(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundOrigin() get or change background-origin style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundPosition(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundPosition() get or change background-position style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundRepeat(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundRepeat() get or change background-repeat style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BackgroundSize(value: string): *
selection.BackgroundSize() get or change background-size style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Base(contents: string): *
selection.Base() creates <base> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Bdi(contents: string): *
selection.Bdi() creates <bdi> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Bdo(contents: string): *
selection.Bdo() creates <bdo> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Blockquote(contents: string): *
selection.Blockquote() creates <blockquote> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Border(value: string): *
selection.Border() get or change border style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderBottom(value: string): *
selection.BorderBottom() get or change border-bottom style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderBottomColor(value: string): *
selection.BorderBottomColor() get or change border-bottom-color style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderBottomLeftRadius(value: string): *
selection.BorderBottomLeftRadius() get or change border-bottom-left-radius style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderBottomRightRadius(value: string): *
selection.BorderBottomRightRadius() get or change border-bottom-right-radius style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderBottomStyle(value: string): *
selection.BorderBottomStyle() get or change border-bottom-style style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderBottomWidth(value: string): *
selection.BorderBottomWidth() get or change border-bottom-width style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderCollapse(value: string): *
selection.BorderCollapse() get or change border-collapse style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderColor(value: string): *
selection.BorderColor() get or change border-color style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderImage(value: string): *
selection.BorderImage() get or change border-image style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderImageOutset(value: string): *
selection.BorderImageOutset() get or change border-image-outset style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderImageRepeat(value: string): *
selection.BorderImageRepeat() get or change border-image-repeat style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderImageSlice(value: string): *
selection.BorderImageSlice() get or change border-image-slice style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderImageSource(value: string): *
selection.BorderImageSource() get or change border-image-source style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderImageWidth(value: string): *
selection.BorderImageWidth() get or change border-image-width style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderLeft(value: string): *
selection.BorderLeft() get or change border-left style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderLeftColor(value: string): *
selection.BorderLeftColor() get or change border-left-color style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderLeftStyle(value: string): *
selection.BorderLeftStyle() get or change border-left-style style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderLeftWidth(value: string): *
selection.BorderLeftWidth() get or change border-left-width style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderRadius(value: string): *
selection.BorderRadius() get or change border-radius style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderRight(value: string): *
selection.BorderRight() get or change border-right style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderRightColor(value: string): *
selection.BorderRightColor() get or change border-right-color style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderRightStyle(value: string): *
selection.BorderRightStyle() get or change border-right-style style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderRightWidth(value: string): *
selection.BorderRightWidth() get or change border-right-width style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderSpacing(value: string): *
selection.BorderSpacing() get or change border-spacing style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderStyle(value: string): *
selection.BorderStyle() get or change border-style style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderTop(value: string): *
selection.BorderTop() get or change border-top style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderTopColor(value: string): *
selection.BorderTopColor() get or change border-top-color style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderTopLeftRadius(value: string): *
selection.BorderTopLeftRadius() get or change border-top-left-radius style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderTopRightRadius(value: string): *
selection.BorderTopRightRadius() get or change border-top-right-radius style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderTopStyle(value: string): *
selection.BorderTopStyle() get or change border-top-style style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderTopWidth(value: string): *
selection.BorderTopWidth() get or change border-top-width style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BorderWidth(value: string): *
selection.BorderWidth() get or change border-width style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Bottom(value: string): *
selection.Bottom() get or change bottom style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BoxDecorationBreak(value: string): *
selection.BoxDecorationBreak() get or change box-decoration-break style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BoxShadow(value: string): *
selection.BoxShadow() get or change box-shadow style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
BoxSizing(value: string): *
selection.BoxSizing() get or change box-sizing style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Br(contents: string): *
selection.Br() creates <br> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Button(contents: string): *
selection.Button() creates <button> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Canvas(contents: string): *
selection.Canvas() creates <canvas> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Caption(contents: string): *
selection.Caption() creates <caption> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
CaptionSide(value: string): *
selection.CaptionSide() get or change caption-side style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Checkbox(contents: string): *
selection.Checkbox() creates <input> element of type checkbox
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Checked(value: string): *
selection.Checked() get or change checked property value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Children(arrayData: string, childElementTagName: string, updateCallback: string): *
selection.Children() syncs children of an element to array of data elements Basically, is a wrapper for d3-selection enter and exit pattern.
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | arrayData | string | optional: true, default: '' | array of data | | childElementTagName | string | optional: true, default: '' | top level tag name | | updateCallback | string | optional: true, default: '' | callback called to build or update child element |
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Cite(contents: string): *
selection.Cite() creates <cite> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Class(value: string): *
selection.Class() get or change class attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Clear(value: string): *
selection.Clear() get or change clear style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Clip(value: string): *
selection.Clip() get or change clip style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Code(contents: string): *
selection.Code() creates <code> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Col(contents: string): *
selection.Col() creates <col> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Colgroup(contents: string): *
selection.Colgroup() creates <colgroup> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Color(value: string): *
selection.Color() get or change color style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Cols(value: string): *
selection.Cols() get or change cols attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Colspan(value: string): *
selection.Colspan() get or change colspan attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Content(value: string): *
selection.Content() get or change content style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
ContentEditable(value: string): *
selection.ContentEditable() get or change contentEditable attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Cursor(value: string): *
selection.Cursor() get or change cursor style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Data(contents: string): *
selection.Data() creates <data> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Datalist(contents: string): *
selection.Datalist() creates <datalist> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Date(contents: string): *
selection.Date() creates <input> element of type date
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
DatetimeLocal(contents: string): *
selection.DatetimeLocal() creates <input> element of type datetime-local
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Dd(contents: string): *
selection.Dd() creates <dd> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Del(contents: string): *
selection.Del() creates <del> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Details(contents: string): *
selection.Details() creates <details> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Dfn(contents: string): *
selection.Dfn() creates <dfn> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Disabled(value: string): *
selection.Disabled() get or change disabled attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Display(value: string): *
selection.Display() get or change display style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Div(contents: string): *
selection.Div() creates <div> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Dl(contents: string): *
selection.Dl() creates <dl> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Download(value: string): *
selection.Download() get or change download attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Draggable(value: string): *
selection.Draggable() get or change draggable attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Dropzone(value: string): *
selection.Dropzone() get or change dropzone attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Dt(contents: string): *
selection.Dt() creates <dt> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Element(contents: string): *
selection.Element() creates <element> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Em(contents: string): *
selection.Em() creates <em> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Email(contents: string): *
selection.Email() creates <input> element of type email
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Embed(contents: string): *
selection.Embed() creates <embed> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
EmptyCells(value: string): *
selection.EmptyCells() get or change empty-cells style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Enctype(value: string): *
selection.Enctype() get or change enctype attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Fieldset(contents: string): *
selection.Fieldset() creates <fieldset> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Figcaption(contents: string): *
selection.Figcaption() creates <figcaption> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Figure(contents: string): *
selection.Figure() creates <figure> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
File(contents: string): *
selection.File() creates <input> element of type file
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Flex(value: string): *
selection.Flex() get or change flex style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FlexBasis(value: string): *
selection.FlexBasis() get or change flex-basis style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FlexDirection(value: string): *
selection.FlexDirection() get or change flex-direction style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FlexFlow(value: string): *
selection.FlexFlow() get or change flex-flow style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FlexGrow(value: string): *
selection.FlexGrow() get or change flex-grow style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FlexShrink(value: string): *
selection.FlexShrink() get or change flex-shrink style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FlexWrap(value: string): *
selection.FlexWrap() get or change flex-wrap style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Float(value: string): *
selection.Float() get or change float style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Font(value: string): *
selection.Font() get or change font style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontFamily(value: string): *
selection.FontFamily() get or change font-family style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontFeatureSettings(value: string): *
selection.FontFeatureSettings() get or change font-feature-settings style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontKerning(value: string): *
selection.FontKerning() get or change font-kerning style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontLanguageOverride(value: string): *
selection.FontLanguageOverride() get or change font-language-override style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontSize(value: string): *
selection.FontSize() get or change font-size style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontSizeAdjust(value: string): *
selection.FontSizeAdjust() get or change font-size-adjust style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontStretch(value: string): *
selection.FontStretch() get or change font-stretch style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontStyle(value: string): *
selection.FontStyle() get or change font-style style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontSynthesis(value: string): *
selection.FontSynthesis() get or change font-synthesis style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontVariant(value: string): *
selection.FontVariant() get or change font-variant style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontVariantAlternates(value: string): *
selection.FontVariantAlternates() get or change font-variant-alternates style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontVariantCaps(value: string): *
selection.FontVariantCaps() get or change font-variant-caps style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontVariantEastAsian(value: string): *
selection.FontVariantEastAsian() get or change font-variant-east-asian style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontVariantLigatures(value: string): *
selection.FontVariantLigatures() get or change font-variant-ligatures style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontVariantNumeric(value: string): *
selection.FontVariantNumeric() get or change font-variant-numeric style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontVariantPosition(value: string): *
selection.FontVariantPosition() get or change font-variant-position style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
FontWeight(value: string): *
selection.FontWeight() get or change font-weight style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Footer(contents: string): *
selection.Footer() creates <footer> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
For(value: string): *
selection.For() get or change for attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Form(contents: string): *
selection.Form() creates <form> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Formaction(value: string): *
selection.Formaction() get or change formaction attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
H1(contents: string): *
selection.H1() creates <h1> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
H2(contents: string): *
selection.H2() creates <h2> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
H3(contents: string): *
selection.H3() creates <h3> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
H4(contents: string): *
selection.H4() creates <h4> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
H5(contents: string): *
selection.H5() creates <h5> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
H6(contents: string): *
selection.H6() creates <h6> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
HangingPunctuation(value: string): *
selection.HangingPunctuation() get or change hanging-punctuation style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
HashStateRouter(context: object, dontRun: boolean): *
d3.HashStateRouter() Simple router that relies on window hash value. TODO: Document in more detail
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | context | object | optional: true, default: {} | configuration | | dontRun | boolean | optional: true, default: false | dont start |
Header(contents: string): *
selection.Header() creates <header> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Height(value: string): *
selection.Height() get or change height style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Hidden(contents: string): *
selection.Hidden() creates <input> element of type hidden
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Hr(contents: string): *
selection.Hr() creates <hr> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Href(value: string): *
selection.Href() get or change href attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Hyphens(value: string): *
selection.Hyphens() get or change hyphens style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
I(contents: string): *
selection.I() creates <i> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Id(value: string): *
selection.Id() get or change id attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Iframe(contents: string): *
selection.Iframe() creates <iframe> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Image(contents: string): *
selection.Image() creates <input> element of type image
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
ImeMode(value: string): *
selection.ImeMode() get or change ime-mode style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Img(contents: string): *
selection.Img() creates <img> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Input(contents: string): *
selection.Input() creates <input> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputCheckbox(contents: string): *
selection.InputCheckbox() creates <input> element of type checkbox
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputColor(contents: string): *
selection.InputColor() creates <input> element of type color
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputDate(contents: string): *
selection.InputDate() creates <input> element of type date
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputDatetimeLocal(contents: string): *
selection.InputDatetimeLocal() creates <input> element of type datetime-local
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputEmail(contents: string): *
selection.InputEmail() creates <input> element of type email
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputFile(contents: string): *
selection.InputFile() creates <input> element of type file
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputHidden(contents: string): *
selection.InputHidden() creates <input> element of type hidden
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputImage(contents: string): *
selection.InputImage() creates <input> element of type image
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputMonth(contents: string): *
selection.InputMonth() creates <input> element of type month
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputNumber(contents: string): *
selection.InputNumber() creates <input> element of type number
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputPassword(contents: string): *
selection.InputPassword() creates <input> element of type password
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputRadio(contents: string): *
selection.InputRadio() creates <input> element of type radio
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputRange(contents: string): *
selection.InputRange() creates <input> element of type range
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputReset(contents: string): *
selection.InputReset() creates <input> element of type reset
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputSearch(contents: string): *
selection.InputSearch() creates <input> element of type search
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputSubmit(contents: string): *
selection.InputSubmit() creates <input> element of type submit
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputTel(contents: string): *
selection.InputTel() creates <input> element of type tel
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputText(contents: string): *
selection.InputText() creates <input> element of type text
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputTime(contents: string): *
selection.InputTime() creates <input> element of type time
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputUrl(contents: string): *
selection.InputUrl() creates <input> element of type url
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
InputWeek(contents: string): *
selection.InputWeek() creates <input> element of type week
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Ins(contents: string): *
selection.Ins() creates <ins> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
JustifyContent(value: string): *
selection.JustifyContent() get or change justify-content style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Kbd(contents: string): *
selection.Kbd() creates <kbd> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Label(contents: string): *
selection.Label() creates <label> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Left(value: string): *
selection.Left() get or change left style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Legend(contents: string): *
selection.Legend() creates <legend> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
LetterSpacing(value: string): *
selection.LetterSpacing() get or change letter-spacing style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Li(contents: string): *
selection.Li() creates <li> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
LineBreak(value: string): *
selection.LineBreak() get or change line-break style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
LineHeight(value: string): *
selection.LineHeight() get or change line-height style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Link(contents: string): *
selection.Link() creates <link> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Main(contents: string): *
selection.Main() creates <main> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Map(contents: string): *
selection.Map() creates <map> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Margin(value: string): *
selection.Margin() get or change margin style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
MarginBottom(value: string): *
selection.MarginBottom() get or change margin-bottom style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
MarginLeft(value: string): *
selection.MarginLeft() get or change margin-left style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
MarginRight(value: string): *
selection.MarginRight() get or change margin-right style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
MarginTop(value: string): *
selection.MarginTop() get or change margin-top style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Mark(contents: string): *
selection.Mark() creates <mark> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
MaxHeight(value: string): *
selection.MaxHeight() get or change max-height style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
MaxWidth(value: string): *
selection.MaxWidth() get or change max-width style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Media(value: string): *
selection.Media() get or change media attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Meta(contents: string): *
selection.Meta() creates <meta> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Meter(contents: string): *
selection.Meter() creates <meter> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Method(value: string): *
selection.Method() get or change method attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
MinHeight(value: string): *
selection.MinHeight() get or change min-height style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
MinWidth(value: string): *
selection.MinWidth() get or change min-width style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Month(contents: string): *
selection.Month() creates <input> element of type month
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Name(value: string): *
selection.Name() get or change name attribute value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Nav(contents: string): *
selection.Nav() creates <nav> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
NavDown(value: string): *
selection.NavDown() get or change nav-down style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
NavIndex(value: string): *
selection.NavIndex() get or change nav-index style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
NavLeft(value: string): *
selection.NavLeft() get or change nav-left style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
NavRight(value: string): *
selection.NavRight() get or change nav-right style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
NavUp(value: string): *
selection.NavUp() get or change nav-up style value of selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | value | string | optional: true, default: '' | new value or dont specify to return current value |
Noframes(contents: string): *
selection.Noframes() creates <noframes> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Noscript(contents: string): *
selection.Noscript() creates <noscript> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Number(contents: string): *
selection.Number() creates <input> element of type number
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Object(contents: string): *
selection.Object() creates <object> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
Ol(contents: string): *
selection.Ol() creates <ol> element
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contents | string | optional: true, default: '' | option content html |
OnAbort(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnAbort() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnAfterprint(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnAfterprint() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnBeforeprint(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnBeforeprint() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnBeforeunload(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnBeforeunload() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnBlur(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnBlur() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnCanplay(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnCanplay() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnCanplaythrough(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnCanplaythrough() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnChange(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnChange() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnClick(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnClick() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnContextmenu(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnContextmenu() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnCopy(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnCopy() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnCuechange(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnCuechange() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnCut(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnCut() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnDblclick(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnDblclick() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnDrag(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnDrag() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | optional: true | capture option |
OnDragend(callback: string, capture: boolean): *
selection.OnDragend() attaches or returns a listner to selection
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | callback | string | optional: true | callback function | | capture | boolean | option