Commitizen adapter following the SAI Pairing format.
Part of the commitizen family. Prompts for SAI Pairing message requirements.
Commitizen Workstation Setup
See the Commitizen Readme for up-to-date information. Installation should be as simple as running the following command (add sudo if on OSX/Linux):
npm install -g commitizen
Now, simply use git cz
instead of git commit
when committing.
When you're working in a Commitizen friendly repository, you'll be prompted to fill in any required fields and your commit messages will be formatted according to the the standards defined by project maintainers.
If you're not working in a Commitizen friendly repository, then git cz
will work just the same as git commit
Repository Setup
First, install the Commitizen cli tools:
npm install commitizen -g
Next, initialize your project to use the cz-conventional-changelog adapter by typing:
commitizen init cz-sai-pairing --save --save-exact
Note that if you want to force install over the top of an old adapter, you can apply the --force
argument. For more information on this, just run commitizen help
The above command does three things for you. It installs this cz-sai-pairing adapter npm module, it saves it to the package.json's dependencies or devDependencies, and lastly it add the config.commitizen
key to the root of your package.json as shown here:
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"
This just tells Commitizen which adapter we actually want our contributors to use when they try to commit to this repo.
Dev Dependencies