Plugin to copy the it() description to the excel
Cypress To Excel Plugin
- The current scope of this plugin is that it copies the test names from cypress mochawesome report (combined report) to a excel sheet
The Need
- Many people still use excel for sharing scenarios list that have been automated . This plugin is helpful for cases for those who prefer the actual code to be written and then the documentation
- Single command to ease the Creation of the excel file from json file
- Single command to ease the automatic Updation of the excel file whenever new test cases are added for cypress
- Does not write duplicate entry to the excel file
- Records the description as given in the it() method
- Currently supported format for output (.xls,.xlsx,.csv)
- The Json report , preferably combined report i.e Mochawesome merged report must exist
npm i -g cypress-to-excel
- The above command shall install the plugin globally
After having the merged report created,
In the package.json, add a script
copyToExcel: cypress-to-excel <path to the combined json report file name>
<path to the excel report file name>
Execute npm run copyToExcel
Suppose json report exists in the cypress/report directory with file name as cypress/report/results.json and the excel file name that you would like to generate is test-results.xlsx then in the package.json add the script as
copyToExcel: cypress-to-excel cypress/report/results.json test-results.xlsx
Screenshot of Plugin in action
- On the cypress default scaffolded tests:
Future plan
- Incorporation of the count of test cases that might have been duplicated by recording the occurence of each test case in new column
- Serial number for tracking the test cases
- To be able to display count of new test cases added/removed/modified