You are using cypress to test a server-side-render frontend? And you need to mock a backend call from your localhost server? This extension is perfect for you!
Cypress SSR Localhost Mocker
Enhance your Cypress testing experience when working with server-side rendering frameworks like Next.js by seamlessly mocking API calls from your server to other localhost api's. Introducing Cypress SSR Localhost Mocker, a library designed to address the challenges of mocking server requests during automated tests.
The Challenge
Picture yourself immersed in the world of automated testing, utilizing Cypress alongside a server-side rendering framework such as Next.js. As you strive to mock an API call originating from your server to a localhost server, you naturally turn to Cypress's built-in mock methods. However, there's a catch – these methods are tailored for client-side requests, leaving you in a quandary when dealing with server-side requests.
The Solution
Enter Cypress SSR Localhost Mocker, a solution mock server side requests inside your cypress tests.
Install our library in your node project
npm install cypress-ssr-localhost-mocker --save-dev
Update your cypress config
In your cypress config file, for example cypress.config.ts, add the following code:
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import SSRLocalhostMocker from 'cypress-ssr-localhost-mocker'; // import library
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on('before:spec', () => {
return SSRLocalhostMocker.init(3000); // it'll initialize your servers. You can pass any ports you want on params, like: (3000, 3001, 3002, ...)
on('after:spec', () => {
return SSRLocalhostMocker.close(); // it'll close server when necessary
on('task', {
mockBackendRequest: SSRLocalhostMocker.getMockBackendRequest(), // it'll create a helper to mock requests
clearAllbackendMockRequests: SSRLocalhostMocker.getClearAllMocks(), // it'll create a helper to clear mock requests
Add helpers on commands
// commands.ts
import 'cypress-ssr-localhost-mocker/commands';
Now, you can create tests like:
describe('Testing', () => {
it('find user picture when load page', () => {
// this user request is called on server side, and it's mocked now
port: 3000,
routeMock: {
path: '/api/v3/user',
method: 'GET',
response: {
statusCode: 200,
fixturePath: 'my_fixture_file_path',
Understanding our mainly mock method and which params is supported:
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| options.port
| Number | The port number of your localhost you want to mock request. |
| options.routeMock
| Object | Object with informations about the request you want to mock, and which response you want to give |
| options.fixturePath (optional)
| String | Path of your fixture (if the mock response is from a fixture). You just need to pass the fixture path, without ".json" example. For example: user/logged
. It will load the fixture /cypress/fixtures/user/logged.json
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| options.routeMock.method
| String | Request method you want to mock. Available options: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | |
| options.routeMock.path
| String | Request path you want to mock. For example, /api/v3/user
. You will mock this path request |
| options.routeMock.bodyCheckFn (optional)
| Function | If you want to create a mock to a route just if its body match some infos, you can inform this function that receives a body hash and returns a boolean |
| options.routeMock.headerCheckFn (optional)
| Function | If you want to create a mock to a route just if its boheaderdy match some infos, you can inform this function that receives a header hash and returns a boolean |
| options.routeMock.response
| Object | Descripe the response data of the route you are mocking. It receives: { statusCode: Number; body?: Any; headers: Any; } |
It's an open source library created to solve I specific problem I passed. Of course, that is a lot of new features that can be improved. Feel free to give some ideas, report bugs, submit fix or features ...