Cypress commands to interpolate aliases & their properties into strings and arrays. Pairs well with cucumber-js.
What Is This?
This package contains a Cypress command called evalMacros
that makes it
easier to write tests for web applications whose test data is generated
dynamically. By binding API responses to cypress @
aliases, you can
refer to dynamic data when verifying the contents of the DOM. For
example, if the logged-in user is bound to the @user
alias, you could
check for a greeting:
cy.evalMacros('Hello, {@user.firstName}')
.then(greeting => cy.contains('.header div', greeting))
The @
is optional when referring to a Cypress alias; in the example above,
would yield the same result.
Macro Variables
In addition to Cypress aliases, this package supports a system of lightweight
macro variables for values that don't need the full power of Cypress aliases
(asynchrony, rebinding, etc). Macro variables begin with a $
to distinguish
them from Cypress variables:
cy.evalMacros('I last saw {@user.nickname} on {$today.dayOfWeek}).then(
seen => cy.contains(seen)
The $
is mandatory when referencing a macro variable in order to distinguish
them from Cypress aliases.
Macro variables are good for values such as "today's date" that vary between test runs but are known before the tests begin executing. You can register as many variables as you want, and you decide how long the variables remain in scope by calling a reset function at the appropriate time.
If your variables are expected to change between test cases, we
strongly suggest that you hook the Cypress test:before:run
to reset the variables before every test case (see sample code below).
The default behavior is to instantiate them the first time evalMacros
is called and never to reset them, which makes them act more like
constants than variables.
Add Custom Command
In cypress/support/commands.js
, add the custom commands:
import { commands as macros } from 'cypress-macros';
You can rename the custom command to something different if desired, or even
overwrite the contains
built-in command so that it automatically
interpolates macro expressions.
Add Macro Variables
If you want to use macro variables in addition to Cypress variables, we
recommend that you create a cypress/support/variables.js
to define
macro variables and install a required Cypress event hook.
import { variables } from 'cypress-macros';
// Optional: recompute all variables before every test case to avoid
// stale values.
Cypress.on("test:before:run", () => {
variables.add("$today", () => {
return {
dayOfWeek: new Date().getDay(),
year: new Date().getFullYear()
Don't forget to import "./variables"
in cypress/support/index.js
Cucumber Parameter Type
If you are using cypress-cucumber-preprocessor, you can define a custom parameter type that allows you to use a macro as a placeholder in a step definition.
In a step definition file named _setup.js
(so it runs first), place the
following code:
import {canonicalize} from 'cypress-macros/parser'
name: "macro",
regexp: /\{(.*)\}/,
transformer: s => canonicalize(s)
Because macros are evaluated asynchronously, you will still need to evaluate
the macro in each step definition where it is used by calling evalMacros
on your step parameters, but the use of curly braces allows for some nice
syntactic sugar in your Cucumber features:
When I click the link {@user.nickname}
This avoids the excessive puncutation that would result if you used a {string}
to capture macro expressions (When I do "{@foo}"