Cyclos4102Api - JavaScript client for cyclos_4102_api The REST API for Cyclos 4.10.2 This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 4.10.2
- Package version: 4.10.2
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install cyclos_4102_api --save
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing
into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your cyclos_4102_api from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
You should now be able to require('cyclos_4102_api')
in javascript files from the directory you ran the last
command above from.
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install YOUR_USERNAME/cyclos_4102_api --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually
use this library):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var Cyclos4102Api = require('cyclos_4102_api');
var defaultClient = Cyclos4102Api.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: accessClient
var accessClient = defaultClient.authentications['accessClient'];
accessClient.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//accessClient.apiKeyPrefix['Access-Client-Token'] = "Token"
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
var basic = defaultClient.authentications['basic'];
basic.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
basic.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
// Configure API key authorization: session
var session = defaultClient.authentications['session'];
session.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//session.apiKeyPrefix['Session-Token'] = "Token"
var api = new Cyclos4102Api.AccountsApi()
var owner = "owner_example"; // {String} Can be one of: * a user identification value, such as id, username, e-mail, phone, etc. Id is always allowed, others depend on Cyclos configuration. Note that a valid numeric value is always considered as id. For example, when using another identification method that can be numeric only, prefix the value with a single quote (like in Excel spreadsheets), for example, `'1234567890`; * `self` for the currently authenticated user; * `system` for data that belongs to the system.
var accountType = "accountType_example"; // {String} The internal name or id of the account type
var opts = {
'fields': ["fields_example"] // {[String]} Select which fields to include on returned data. If nothing is set, all object fields are returned. Unprefixed field names will be handled like a whitelist (only listed fields will be included), while names starting with a minus (-) or exclamation mark (!) will be handled as blacklist (listed fields will not be included). This works for nesting as well. For example: `a,b.b1,c.-c1,c.-c2` will return the fields `a`, `b` (containing only the `b1` field) and `c` (containing all its fields except for `c1` or `c2`).
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getAccountHistoryDataByOwnerAndType(owner, accountType, opts, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
Cyclos4102Api.AccountsApi | getAccountHistoryDataByOwnerAndType | GET /{owner}/accounts/{accountType}/data-for-history | Returns data for searching an account history by owner and type
Cyclos4102Api.AccountsApi | getAccountStatusByOwnerAndType | GET /{owner}/accounts/{accountType} | Returns the status of an account by owner and type
Cyclos4102Api.AccountsApi | getUserBalancesData | GET /accounts/data-for-user-balances | Returns data for searching users together with their balances
Cyclos4102Api.AccountsApi | getUserBalancesSummary | GET /accounts/{accountType}/user-balances/summary | Returns summarized information for the user balances search
Cyclos4102Api.AccountsApi | listAccountsByOwner | GET /{owner}/accounts | Lists accounts of the given owner with their statuses
Cyclos4102Api.AccountsApi | searchAccountHistory | GET /{owner}/accounts/{accountType}/history | Search an account history
Cyclos4102Api.AccountsApi | searchUsersWithBalances | GET /accounts/{accountType}/user-balances | Searches for users together with balance information
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | createAddress | POST /{user}/addresses | Creates a new address for the given user
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | deleteAddress | DELETE /addresses/{id} | Removes an address
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | getAddressDataForEdit | GET /addresses/{id}/data-for-edit | Returns data to edit an existing address
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | getAddressDataForNew | GET /{user}/addresses/data-for-new | Returns data to create a new address
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | getUserAddressesListData | GET /{user}/addresses/list-data | Returns data for addresses listing of the given user
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | getUserPrimaryAddress | GET /{user}/addresses/primary | Returns the primary address of a given user
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | listAddressesByUser | GET /{user}/addresses | Lists all (visible) user addresses
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | listCountries | GET /addresses/countries | Lists all known countries with the ISO code and display name
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | updateAddress | PUT /addresses/{id} | Updates an existing address
Cyclos4102Api.AddressesApi | viewAddress | GET /addresses/{id} | Returns details of a specific address
Cyclos4102Api.AgreementsApi | acceptPendingAgreement | POST /agreements/accept | Accept one or more agreements
Cyclos4102Api.AgreementsApi | listPendingAgreements | GET /agreements/pending | Returns the agreements the authenticated user needs to accept in order to use the system
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | changeForgottenPassword | POST /auth/forgotten-password | Changes the a forgotten password after have completed the request
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | disconnectCurrentClient | DELETE /auth/access-client | Disconnect the current access client
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | forgottenPasswordRequest | POST /auth/forgotten-password/request | Requests a forgotten password, notifying the user with instructions to reset it
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | getCurrentAuth | GET /auth | Returns data about the currently authenticated user
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | getDataForChangeForgottenPassword | GET /auth/forgotten-password/data-for-change | Returns configuration data used to change a forgotten password after the initial request
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | getDataForLogin | GET /auth/data-for-login | Returns data containing the configuration for logging-in
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | getSecondaryPasswordInput | GET /auth/session/secondary-password | Returns the data for a secondary access password input
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | login | POST /auth/session | Logs-in the currently authenticated user
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | logout | DELETE /auth/session | Log-out the current session
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | newOtp | POST /auth/otp | Generates a new One-Time-Password (OTP) for the authenticated user
Cyclos4102Api.AuthApi | validateSecondaryPassword | POST /auth/session/secondary-password | Validates the current pending session
Cyclos4102Api.CaptchaApi | getCaptchaContent | GET /captcha/{id} | Returns a captcha image content
Cyclos4102Api.CaptchaApi | newCaptcha | POST /captcha | Returns a new captcha challenge
Cyclos4102Api.ClientsApi | activateClient | POST /clients/activate | Activates an access client
Cyclos4102Api.ClientsApi | listClientTypesForUser | GET /{user}/client-types | Returns the list of access clients types for a user
Cyclos4102Api.ClientsApi | unassignClient | POST /clients/{key}/unassign | Unassign (disconnects) an access client
Cyclos4102Api.ClientsApi | viewClient | GET /clients/{key} | Returns details of an access client
Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfosApi | createContactInfo | POST /{user}/contact-infos | Creates a new additional contact information for the given user
Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfosApi | deleteContactInfo | DELETE /contact-infos/{id} | Removes an existing additional contact information
Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfosApi | getContactInfoDataForEdit | GET /contact-infos/{id}/data-for-edit | Returns data to edit an existing additional contact information
Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfosApi | getContactInfoDataForNew | GET /{user}/contact-infos/data-for-new | Returns data to create a new additional contact information
Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfosApi | getUserContactInfosListData | GET /{user}/contact-infos/list-data | Returns data for listing additional contact informations of the given user
Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfosApi | listContactInfosByUser | GET /{user}/contact-infos | Lists all (visible) additional contact informations for the user
Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfosApi | updateContactInfo | PUT /contact-infos/{id} | Updates an existing additional contact information
Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfosApi | viewContactInfo | GET /contact-infos/{id} | Returns details of a specific additional contact information
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | addContact | POST /{user}/contacts/{contact} | This operation is deprecated, use `POST /{user}/contact-list` instead
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | createContact | POST /{user}/contact-list | Creates a new contact
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | deleteContact | DELETE /contact-list/{id} | Removes a contact
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | getContactDataForEdit | GET /contact-list/{id}/data-for-edit | Returns data to edit an existing contact
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | getContactListDataForNew | GET /{user}/contact-list/data-for-new | Returns configuration data for creating a new contact
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | getContactListDataForSearch | GET /{user}/contact-list/data-for-search | Returns configuration data used when searching for contacts
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | removeContact | DELETE /{user}/contacts/{contact} | This operation is deprecated, use `DELETE /contact-list/{id}` instead
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | searchContactList | GET /{user}/contact-list | Searches the contact list of a given user
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | searchContacts | GET /{user}/contacts | Search users which are contacts of a specific user
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | updateContact | PUT /contact-list/{id} | Updates an existing contact
Cyclos4102Api.ContactsApi | viewContact | GET /contact-list/{id} | Returns details of a specific contact
Cyclos4102Api.FilesApi | deleteRawFile | DELETE /files/{id} | Removes a file by id
Cyclos4102Api.FilesApi | getRawFileContent | GET /files/{id}/content | Returns the content of a raw file (temp or custom field value)
Cyclos4102Api.FilesApi | listTempFiles | GET /files/temp | Lists temporary files related to the currently authenticated user or guest
Cyclos4102Api.FilesApi | uploadTempFile | POST /files/temp | Adds a new temporary file for the currently authenticated user or guest.
Cyclos4102Api.FilesApi | viewRawFile | GET /files/{id} | Returns a file details by id
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | deleteImage | DELETE /images/{id} | Removes an image by id
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | getAdImagesListData | GET /marketplace/{ad}/images/list-data | Returns the images of an advertisement, plus additional permissions and data
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | getImageContent | GET /images/{kind}/{file} | Returns an image content
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | getImageContentById | GET /images/{id}/content | Returns an image content by id
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | getUserImagesListData | GET /{user}/images/list-data | Returns either `profile` or `custom` images for a given user, plus additional permissions and data
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | listAdImages | GET /marketplace/{ad}/images | Lists the images of an advertisement
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | listTempImages | GET /images/temp | Lists temporary images related to the currently authenticated user or guest
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | listUserImages | GET /{user}/images | Lists either `profile` or `custom` images for a given user
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | reorderAdImages | PUT /marketplace/{ad}/images/order | Changes the order of the images of an advertisement
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | reorderProfileImages | PUT /{user}/images/order | Changes the order of a user's profile images
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | uploadAdImage | POST /marketplace/{ad}/images | Adds a new image for the given advertisement.
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | uploadContactInfoImage | POST /contactInfos/{id}/image | Uploads a new image for the given additional contact information.
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | uploadTempImage | POST /images/temp | Adds a new temporary image for the currently authenticated user or guest.
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | uploadUserImage | POST /{user}/images | Adds a new image for the given user. The image kind is either `profile` or `custom`.
Cyclos4102Api.ImagesApi | viewImage | GET /images/{id} | Returns an image details by id
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | acceptOrderByBuyer | POST /orders/{order}/buyer/accept | Accepts a pending order by buyer.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | acceptOrderBySeller | POST /orders/{order}/seller/accept | Accepts a pending order by seller.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | addItemToShoppingCart | POST /shopping-carts/items/{ad} | Adds the given webshop ad to the corresponding shopping cart.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | adjustAndGetShoppingCartDetails | POST /shopping-carts/{id}/adjust | Adjusts a shopping cart items, returning its details.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | checkoutShoppingCart | POST /shopping-carts/{id}/checkout | Checks out a shopping cart.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | createAd | POST /{user}/marketplace | Creates a new advertisement for the given user.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | createAdQuestion | POST /marketplace/{ad}/questions | Creates a new advertisement question.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | deleteAd | DELETE /marketplace/{ad} | Removes an advertisement.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | deleteAdQuestion | DELETE /questions/{id} | Removes an advertisement question.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getAdDataForEdit | GET /marketplace/{ad}/data-for-edit | Returns configuration data for editing an advertisement.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getAdDataForNew | GET /{user}/marketplace/data-for-new | Returns configuration data for creating a new advertisement for a user and kind.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getAdDataForSearch | GET /marketplace/data-for-search | Returns configuration data for searching advertisements.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getAdQuestion | GET /questions/{id} | Returns details of an advertisement question.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getDataForSetDeliveryMethod | GET /orders/{order}/seller/data-for-set-delivery | Returns configuration data to set delivery method data by seller.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getOrderDataForAcceptByBuyer | GET /orders/{order}/buyer/data-for-accept | Returns configuration data for accept an order by buyer.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getShoppingCartDataForCheckout | GET /shopping-carts/{id}/data-for-checkout | Returns configuration data for check-out a shopping cart.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getShoppingCartDetails | GET /shopping-carts/{id} | Returns details of a shopping cart.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getShoppingCarts | GET /shopping-carts | Returns the shopping carts list.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | getUserAdsDataForSearch | GET /{user}/marketplace/data-for-search | Returns configuration data for searching advertisements of a user.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | modifyItemQuantityOnShoppingCart | PUT /shopping-carts/items/{ad} | Modifies the corresponding cart with the new quantity for the given webshop ad.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | rejectOrder | POST /orders/{order}/reject | Rejects a pending order.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | removeItemFromShoppingCart | DELETE /shopping-carts/items/{ad} | Removes the given webshop ad from the corresponding shopping cart.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | removeShoppingCart | DELETE /shopping-carts/{id} | Removes a shopping cart.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | searchAds | GET /marketplace | Searches for advertisements.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | searchUserAds | GET /{user}/marketplace | Searches for advertisements of a specific user.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | searchUserOrders | GET /{user}/orders | Searches for orders of a specific user.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | setDeliveryMethod | POST /orders/{order}/seller/set-delivery | Sets delivery method data by seller.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | updateAd | PUT /marketplace/{ad} | Updates an existing advertisement.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | viewAd | GET /marketplace/{ad} | Returns details of an advertisement.
Cyclos4102Api.MarketplaceApi | viewOrder | GET /orders/{order} | Returns details of an order.
Cyclos4102Api.MobileApi | dataForMobileGuest | GET /mobile/data-for-guest | Returns data the mobile application uses while in guest mode
Cyclos4102Api.MobileApi | dataForMobileUser | GET /mobile/data-for-user | Returns data the mobile application uses in either user or POS mode
Cyclos4102Api.MobileApi | mobilePageContent | GET /mobile/page/{id} | Returns the content of a mobile page
Cyclos4102Api.NFCApi | cancelNfc | POST /nfc/cancel | Cancels a NFC tag
Cyclos4102Api.NFCApi | getNfcDataForInitialize | GET /nfc/data-for-initialize | Returns data for NFC tag initialization. Optionally the user can personalize the tag too.
Cyclos4102Api.NFCApi | getNfcDataForPersonalize | GET /nfc/data-for-personalize | Returns data for perfornalizing an initialized NFC tag for a user
Cyclos4102Api.NFCApi | getNfcToken | GET /nfc/{tokenType}/{value} | Retrieve the NFC token detailed data
Cyclos4102Api.NFCApi | getOtpForPersonalizeNfc | POST /nfc/personalize/otp | Generates a new One-Time-Password (OTP) for a personalizing a NFC tag
Cyclos4102Api.NFCApi | initializeNfc | POST /nfc/initialize | Initializes a NFC tag
Cyclos4102Api.NFCApi | nfcExternalAuth | POST /nfc/external-auth | NFC external authentication
Cyclos4102Api.NFCApi | personalizeNfc | POST /nfc/personalize | Personalizes a NFC tag
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | getAdOperationDataForRun | GET /marketplace/{ad}/operations/{operation}/data-for-run | Returns configuration data for running a custom operation over an advertisement
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | getContactInfoOperationDataForRun | GET /contact-infos/{id}/operations/{operation}/data-for-run | Returns configuration data for running a custom operation over an additional contact information
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | getContactOperationDataForRun | GET /contact-list/{id}/operations/{operation}/data-for-run | Returns configuration data for running a custom operation over a contact
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | getOperationDataForRun | GET /operations/{operation}/data-for-run | Returns configuration data for running a custom operation without additional scope
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | getOwnerOperationDataForRun | GET /{owner}/operations/{operation}/data-for-run | Returns configuration data for running a custom operation over an owner
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | getRecordOperationDataForRun | GET /records/{id}/operations/{operation}/data-for-run | Returns configuration data for running a custom operation over a record
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | getTransferOperationDataForRun | GET /transfer/{key}/operations/{operation}/data-for-run | Returns configuration data for running a custom operation over a transfer
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | listOperationsByAd | GET /marketplace/{ad}/operations | Lists the custom operations over the given advertisement
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | listOperationsByContact | GET /contact-list/{id}/operations | Lists the custom operations over the given contact
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | listOperationsByContactInfo | GET /contact-infos/{id}/operations | Lists the custom operations over the given additional contact information
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | listOperationsByOwner | GET /{owner}/operations | Lists the custom operations over the system or user
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | listOperationsByRecord | GET /records/{id}/operations | Lists the custom operations over the given record
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | listOperationsByTransfer | GET /transfers/{key}/operations | Lists the custom operations over the given transfer
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runAdOperation | POST /marketplace/{ad}/operations/{operation}/run | Runs a custom operation over an advertisement
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runAdOperationWithUpload | POST /marketplace/{ad}/operations/{operation}/run-upload | Runs a custom operation over an advertisement while uploading a file
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runContactInfoOperation | POST /contact-infos/{id}/operations/{operation}/run | Runs a custom operation over an additional contact information
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runContactInfoOperationWithUpload | POST /contact-infos/{id}/operations/{operation}/run-upload | Runs a custom operation over an additional contact information while uploading a file
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runContactOperation | POST /contact-list/{id}/operations/{operation}/run | Runs a custom operation over a contact
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runContactOperationWithUpload | POST /contact-list/{id}/operations/{operation}/run-upload | Runs a custom operation over an contact while uploading a file
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runOperation | POST /operations/{operation}/run | Runs a custom operation without additional scope
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runOperationWithUpload | POST /operations/{operation}/run-upload | Runs a custom operation without additional scope while uploading a file
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runOwnerOperation | POST /{owner}/operations/{operation}/run | Runs a custom operation either for system or user
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runOwnerOperationWithUpload | POST /{owner}/operations/{operation}/run-upload | Runs a custom operation either for system or user while uploading a file
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runRecordOperation | POST /records/{id}/operations/{operation}/run | Runs a custom operation over a record
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runRecordOperationWithUpload | POST /records/{id}/operations/{operation}/run-upload | Runs a custom operation over a record while uploading a file
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runTransferOperation | POST /transfers/{key}/operations/{operation}/run | Runs a custom operation over a transfer
Cyclos4102Api.OperationsApi | runTransferOperationWithUpload | POST /transfers/{key}/operations/{operation}/run-upload | Runs a custom operation over a transfer while uploading a file
Cyclos4102Api.OperatorsApi | getGeneralOperatorsDataForSearch | GET /operators/data-for-search | Get configuration data for searching operators of any managed user
Cyclos4102Api.OperatorsApi | getUserOperatorsDataForSearch | GET /{user}/operators/data-for-search | Get configuration data for searching operators of the given user
Cyclos4102Api.OperatorsApi | searchGeneralOperators | GET /operators | Search the visible operators (of any managed user)
Cyclos4102Api.OperatorsApi | searchUserOperators | GET /{user}/operators | Search the operators of a given user
Cyclos4102Api.POSApi | calculateReceivePaymentInstallments | GET /pos/installments | Calculates the default installments for a scheduled payment
Cyclos4102Api.POSApi | dataForReceivePayment | GET /pos/data-for-pos | Returns configuration data for receiving a payment (POS)
Cyclos4102Api.POSApi | previewReceivePayment | POST /pos/preview | Previews a POS payment before receiving it
Cyclos4102Api.POSApi | receivePayment | POST /pos | Receives a payment (POS)
Cyclos4102Api.POSApi | receivePaymentOtp | POST /pos/otp | Generates a new One-Time-Password (OTP) for a pos payment
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | allowGeneration | POST /{user}/passwords/{type}/allow-generation | Allows the given user to generate the password for the first time for the given type.
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | changeGenerated | POST /passwords/{type}/change-generated | Generates a new value for an active generated password.
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | changePassword | POST /{user}/passwords/{type}/change | Changes a manual password
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | disablePassword | POST /{user}/passwords/{type}/disable | Disables a password, making it unusable until manually re-enabled
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | enablePassword | POST /{user}/passwords/{type}/enable | Re-enables a disabled a password
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | generatePassword | POST /passwords/{type}/generate | Generates the value of a generated password for the first time or if expired.
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | getUserPasswordaData | GET /{user}/passwords/{type} | Returns complete data of the given password the given user have.
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | getUserPasswordsListData | GET /{user}/passwords/list-data | Returns complete data for each passwords the given user have.
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | listUserPasswords | GET /{user}/passwords | Returns the status for each passwords the given user have.
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | resetAndSendPassword | POST /{user}/passwords/{type}/reset-and-send | Generates a new value for a manual password and send it to the user via e-mail
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | resetPassword | POST /{user}/passwords/{type}/reset-generated | Resets a generated password, allowing it to be generated again
Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsApi | unblockPassword | POST /{user}/passwords/{type}/unblock | Unblocks a password that has been blocked by exceeding the wrong tries
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsApi | acceptPaymentRequest | POST /payment-requests/{key}/accept | Accepts a payment request.
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsApi | cancelPaymentRequest | POST /payment-requests/{key}/cancel | Cancels a payment request.
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsApi | changePaymentRequestExpirationDate | POST /payment-requests/{key}/change-expiration | Changes the payment request expiration.
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsApi | dataForSendPaymentRequest | GET /{owner}/payment-requests/data-for-send | Returns configuration data for sending a payment request
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsApi | previewPaymentRequest | GET /payment-requests/{key}/preview | Previews the payment performed when accepting the given payment request.
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsApi | rejectPaymentRequest | POST /payment-requests/{key}/reject | Rejects a payment request.
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsApi | reschedulePaymentRequest | POST /payment-requests/{key}/reschedule | Reschedules a payment request.
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsApi | sendPaymentRequest | POST /{owner}/payment-requests | Sends a payment request from the given owner
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentsApi | calculatePerformPaymentInstallments | GET /{owner}/payments/installments | Calculates the default installments for a scheduled payment
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentsApi | dataForPerformPayment | GET /{owner}/payments/data-for-perform | Returns configuration data for performing a payment
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentsApi | getPaymentQrCode | GET /payments/qr-code | Returns the QR-code image for the given payment's parameters
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentsApi | performPayment | POST /{owner}/payments | Performs a payment from the given owner
Cyclos4102Api.PaymentsApi | previewPayment | POST /{owner}/payments/preview | Previews a payment before performing it
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | createPhone | POST /{user}/phones | Creates a new phone for the given user
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | deletePhone | DELETE /phones/{id} | Removes a phone
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | disablePhoneForSms | POST /phones/{id}/disable-for-sms | Marks a phone as disabled to receive SMS notifications and operate in the SMS channel
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | enablePhoneForSms | POST /phones/{id}/enable-for-sms | Marks a phone as enabled to receive SMS notifications and operate in the SMS channel
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | getPhoneDataForEdit | GET /phones/{id}/data-for-edit | Returns data to edit an existing phone
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | getPhoneDataForNew | GET /{user}/phones/data-for-new | Returns data to create a new phone
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | getUserPhonesListData | GET /{user}/phones/list-data | Returns data for listing a user's phones
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | listPhonesByUser | GET /{user}/phones | Lists all (visible) user phones
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | sendPhoneVerificationCode | POST /phones/{id}/send-verification-code | Sends the verification code for a user to verify the mobile phone
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | updatePhone | PUT /phones/{id} | Updates an existing phone
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | verifyPhone | POST /phones/{id}/verify | Marks a phone as verified if the code matches
Cyclos4102Api.PhonesApi | viewPhone | GET /phones/{id} | Returns details of a specific phone
Cyclos4102Api.PushApi | subscribeForPushNotifications | GET /push/subscribe | Subscribes for receiving push notifications of specific types
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | createRecord | POST /{owner}/records/{type} | Creates a new record for the given owner and type
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | deleteRecord | DELETE /records/{id} | Removes a record
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | getRecordDataForEdit | GET /records/{id}/data-for-edit | Returns data to edit an existing record
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | getRecordDataForGeneralSearch | GET /general-records/{type}/data-for-search | Returns data for searching records of a type over any owner
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | getRecordDataForNew | GET /{owner}/records/{type}/data-for-new | Returns data to create a new record
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | getRecordDataForOwnerSearch | GET /{owner}/records/{type}/data-for-search | Returns data for searching records of a specific type and owner
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | getRecordDataForSharedSearch | GET /shared-records/data-for-search | Returns data for searching records with shared fields
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | getRecordTypeByOwner | GET /{owner}/record-types/{type} | Returns a single record type over a user or system
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | listRecordTypesByOwner | GET /{owner}/record-types | Lists the record types over a user or system
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | listRecordTypesForGeneralSearch | GET /general-records/record-types | Lists the record types for general search
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | searchGeneralRecords | GET /general-records/{type} | Searches for records of a specific type over any owner
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | searchOwnerRecords | GET /{owner}/records/{type} | Searches for records of a specific type and owner
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | searchSharedRecords | GET /shared-records | Searches for records with shared fields
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | updateRecord | PUT /records/{id} | Updates an existing record
Cyclos4102Api.RecordsApi | viewRecord | GET /records/{id} | Returns details of a specific record
Cyclos4102Api.SessionsApi | loginUser | POST /sessions | Logins a user, returning data from the new session
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | acceptTicket | POST /tickets/{ticket}/accept | Accepts a ticket by the payer.
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | approveTicket | POST /tickets/{ticket}/approve | Approves a ticket by the payer.
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | cancelTicket | POST /tickets/{ticket}/cancel | Cancels a ticket by the receiver.
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | dataForNewTicket | GET /tickets/data-for-new | Returns data for create a new ticket for the logged user.
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | getDataForEasyInvoice | GET /tickets/data-for-easy-invoice/{user} | Returns data for an easy invoice to the given user
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | getEasyInvoiceQrCode | GET /tickets/easy-invoice-qr-code/{user} | Returns a QR-code image with the URL for an easy invoice confirmation
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | getTicketQrCode | GET /tickets/{ticket}/qr-code | Returns the QR-code image for the given ticket only if its status is `open`
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | newTicket | POST /tickets | Creates a new ticket with status `open` for the logged user.
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | previewTicket | POST /tickets/{ticket}/preview | Previews the payment generated by the ticket.
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | processTicket | POST /tickets/{ticket}/process | Processes a ticket by the receiver.
Cyclos4102Api.TicketsApi | viewTicket | GET /tickets/{ticket} | Returns details about a ticket
Cyclos4102Api.TransactionsApi | getTransactionsDataForSearch | GET /{owner}/transactions/data-for-search | Returns data for searching transactions of an account owner
Cyclos4102Api.TransactionsApi | searchTransactions | GET /{owner}/transactions | Searches transactions of an account owner
Cyclos4102Api.TransactionsApi | viewTransaction | GET /transactions/{key} | Returns details about a transaction
Cyclos4102Api.TransfersApi | chargebackTransfer | POST /transfers/{key}/chargeback | Perform the chargeback of a transfer
Cyclos4102Api.TransfersApi | getTransferDataForSearch | GET /transfers/data-for-search | Returns data for searching transfers over multiple accounts
Cyclos4102Api.TransfersApi | searchTransfers | GET /transfers | Searches for transfers over multiple accounts
Cyclos4102Api.TransfersApi | viewTransfer | GET /transfers/{key} | Returns details about a transfer
Cyclos4102Api.UIApi | dataForUi | GET /ui/data-for-ui | Returns useful data required to properly display a user interface
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | createUser | POST /users | Registers a new user
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | getDataForMapDirectory | GET /users/map/data-for-search | Get configuration data for searching the user directory (map)
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | getGroupsForUserRegistration | GET /users/groups-for-registration | Returns the groups the authenticated user or guest can register on
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | getUserDataForEdit | GET /users/{user}/data-for-edit | Get configuration data to edit a user profile
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | getUserDataForNew | GET /users/data-for-new | Get configuration data for registering new users
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | getUserDataForSearch | GET /users/data-for-search | Get configuration data for searching users
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | searchMapDirectory | GET /users/map | Search the user directory (map)
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | searchUsers | GET /users | Search for users
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | updateUser | PUT /users/{user} | Save a user details
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | validateEmailChange | POST /users/validate/email-change/{key} | Validates an e-mail via a validation key
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | validateUserRegistration | POST /users/validate/registration/{key} | Validates an user registration via a key sent by e-mail
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | validateUserRegistrationField | GET /users/validate/{group}/{field} | Validates the value of a single field for user registration
Cyclos4102Api.UsersApi | viewUser | GET /users/{user} | View a user details
Cyclos4102Api.ValidationApi | validateEmailChange | POST /validate/email-change/{key} | Validate a pending e-mail change.
Cyclos4102Api.ValidationApi | validateUserRegistration | POST /validate/registration/{key} | Validate a pending user registration.
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | buyVouchers | POST /{user}/vouchers/buy | Buys one or more vouchers for the given user
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | getUserVouchersDataForSearch | GET /{user}/vouchers/data-for-search | Returns data for searching vouchers a user has bought or redeemed
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | getVoucherDataForBuy | GET /{user}/vouchers/data-for-buy | Returns data for buying a voucher of a specified type
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | getVoucherDataForRedeem | GET /{user}/vouchers/{token}/data-for-redeem | Returns data for redeeming a voucher by token
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | getVoucherInitialDataForRedeem | GET /{user}/vouchers/data-for-redeem | Returns initial data for redeeming vouchers
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | getVoucherQrCode | GET /vouchers/{key}/qr-code | Returns the QR-code image for the given voucher
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | listVoucherTypesForBuy | GET /{user}/vouchers/types-for-buy | Returns the voucher types the authenticated user can buy vouchers to the given user
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | redeemVoucher | POST /{user}/vouchers/{token}/redeem | Redeems a voucher for the given user
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | searchUserVouchers | GET /{user}/vouchers | Searches for vouchers a user has bought or redeemed
Cyclos4102Api.VouchersApi | viewVoucher | GET /vouchers/{key} | Returns data for a particular voucher
Documentation for Models
- Cyclos4102Api.AcceptOrReschedulePaymentRequest
- Cyclos4102Api.AccountHistoryOrderByEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AccountKind
- Cyclos4102Api.AccountPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.AccountStatus
- Cyclos4102Api.ActivateClientResult
- Cyclos4102Api.AdAddressResultEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AdBasicData
- Cyclos4102Api.AdCategoriesDisplayEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AdDeliveryMethodChargeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AdKind
- Cyclos4102Api.AdManage
- Cyclos4102Api.AdOrderByEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AdStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AddressConfiguration
- Cyclos4102Api.AddressFieldEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AddressManage
- Cyclos4102Api.AddressQueryFieldEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AmountSummary
- Cyclos4102Api.AuthorizationLevelData
- Cyclos4102Api.AuthorizationPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.AuthorizationStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.AvailabilityEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.BadRequestError
- Cyclos4102Api.BadRequestErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.BalanceLevelEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.BankingPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.BaseAdDataForSearch
- Cyclos4102Api.BaseAuth
- Cyclos4102Api.BaseOrderAction
- Cyclos4102Api.BaseTransferDataForSearch
- Cyclos4102Api.BaseUserDataForSearch
- Cyclos4102Api.BasicProfileFieldEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.BasicProfileFieldInput
- Cyclos4102Api.BuyVoucher
- Cyclos4102Api.BuyVoucherErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.CaptchaProviderEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.CaptchaResponse
- Cyclos4102Api.ChangeForgottenPassword
- Cyclos4102Api.ChangePassword
- Cyclos4102Api.ChangePaymentRequestExpirationDate
- Cyclos4102Api.ClientStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.CodeVerificationStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ConflictError
- Cyclos4102Api.ConflictErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.ContactBasicData
- Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfoBasicData
- Cyclos4102Api.ContactInfoManage
- Cyclos4102Api.ContactListDataForSearch
- Cyclos4102Api.ContactManage
- Cyclos4102Api.ContactOrderByEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ContactsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.Country
- Cyclos4102Api.CustomFieldControlEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.CustomFieldDynamicValue
- Cyclos4102Api.CustomFieldSizeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.CustomFieldTypeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.DataForChangeForgottenPassword
- Cyclos4102Api.DataForEasyInvoice
- Cyclos4102Api.DataForLogin
- Cyclos4102Api.DataForTransaction
- Cyclos4102Api.DataForUi
- Cyclos4102Api.DataForUserPasswords
- Cyclos4102Api.DateFormatEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.DatePeriod
- Cyclos4102Api.DecimalRange
- Cyclos4102Api.DistanceEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.Entity
- Cyclos4102Api.Error
- Cyclos4102Api.ErrorKind
- Cyclos4102Api.ExternalPaymentStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ExternalPaymentsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.FileMimeTypeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ForbiddenError
- Cyclos4102Api.ForbiddenErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.ForgottenPasswordErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.ForgottenPasswordRequest
- Cyclos4102Api.GeneralOperatorsDataForSearch
- Cyclos4102Api.GeographicalCoordinate
- Cyclos4102Api.GroupKind
- Cyclos4102Api.IAddress
- Cyclos4102Api.IContactInfo
- Cyclos4102Api.IPhone
- Cyclos4102Api.IPhoneDetailed
- Cyclos4102Api.IUser
- Cyclos4102Api.IdentificationMethodEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ImageKind
- Cyclos4102Api.ImageSizeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ImagesListData
- Cyclos4102Api.InitializeNfcErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.InputError
- Cyclos4102Api.InputErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.LinkedEntityTypeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.LoginUser
- Cyclos4102Api.MarketplacePermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.MaturityPolicyEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.MobileBaseData
- Cyclos4102Api.MobileOperationEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.NewMessagePush
- Cyclos4102Api.NewNotificationPush
- Cyclos4102Api.NfcAuthErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.NfcDataForInitialize
- Cyclos4102Api.NfcDataForPersonalize
- Cyclos4102Api.NfcExternalAuthenticateResult
- Cyclos4102Api.NfcInitializeResult
- Cyclos4102Api.NfcPersonalizeOtpParameter
- Cyclos4102Api.NfcTagKeyEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.NfcTokenParameter
- Cyclos4102Api.NotFoundError
- Cyclos4102Api.NotificationLevelEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.NumberFormatEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.OperationPageContextEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.OperationPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.OperationResultTypeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.OperationRowActionEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.OperationScopeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.OperationsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.OrderDataForAcceptByBuyer
- Cyclos4102Api.OrderDataForSetDeliveryMethod
- Cyclos4102Api.OrderStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.OtpErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.OutboundSmsStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.PasswordActions
- Cyclos4102Api.PasswordInputMethodEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.PasswordModeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.PasswordPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.PasswordRegistration
- Cyclos4102Api.PasswordStatus
- Cyclos4102Api.PasswordStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.PasswordsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.PaymentErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestSchedulingEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.PaymentRequestsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.PaymentSchedulingEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.PaymentsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.PerformBaseTransaction
- Cyclos4102Api.PerformScheduledPaymentInstallment
- Cyclos4102Api.Permissions
- Cyclos4102Api.PersonalizeNfcErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.PhoneBasicData
- Cyclos4102Api.PhoneConfiguration
- Cyclos4102Api.PhoneKind
- Cyclos4102Api.PhoneManage
- Cyclos4102Api.PhysicalTokenTypeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.PosErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.PreselectedPeriod
- Cyclos4102Api.Principal
- Cyclos4102Api.PrincipalTypeKind
- Cyclos4102Api.ProfileFieldActions
- Cyclos4102Api.PushNotificationEventKind
- Cyclos4102Api.QueryFilters
- Cyclos4102Api.RecordBasePermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.RecordBasicData
- Cyclos4102Api.RecordKind
- Cyclos4102Api.RecordLayoutEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.RecordManage
- Cyclos4102Api.RecordPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.RecordsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.RecurringPaymentOccurrenceStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.RecurringPaymentStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.RecurringPaymentsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.RedeemVoucher
- Cyclos4102Api.RedeemVoucherErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.RoleEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.RunOperation
- Cyclos4102Api.RunOperationAction
- Cyclos4102Api.RunOperationActionParameters
- Cyclos4102Api.RunOperationResult
- Cyclos4102Api.RunOperationResultColumn
- Cyclos4102Api.RunOperationResultRow
- Cyclos4102Api.ScheduledPaymentInstallmentPreview
- Cyclos4102Api.ScheduledPaymentInstallmentStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ScheduledPaymentStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ScheduledPaymentsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.SearchByDistanceData
- Cyclos4102Api.SendMediumEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ShoppingCartCheckoutErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.ShoppingCartDataForCheckout
- Cyclos4102Api.ShoppingCartErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.ShoppingCartItemAvailabilityEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.ShoppingCartItemQuantityAdjustmentEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.TicketStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.TicketsPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.TimeFieldEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.TimeFormatEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.TimeInterval
- Cyclos4102Api.TokenStatusEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.TokenTypeEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.TransactionDataForSearch
- Cyclos4102Api.TransactionKind
- Cyclos4102Api.TransactionPreview
- Cyclos4102Api.TransactionSubjectsEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.TransferDirectionEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.TransferFeePreview
- Cyclos4102Api.TransferKind
- Cyclos4102Api.UiKind
- Cyclos4102Api.UnauthorizedError
- Cyclos4102Api.UnauthorizedErrorCode
- Cyclos4102Api.UserAddressResultEnum
- Cyclos4102Api.UserAddressesListData
- Cyclos4102Api.UserBasicData
- Cyclos4102Api.UserContactInfosListData
- Cyclos4102Api.UserContactPermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.UserImageKind
- Cyclos4102Api.UserManage
- Cyclos4102Api.UserMarketplacePermissions
- Cyclos4102Api.UserOperatorsDataForSearch
- Cyclos4102Api.UserOrderByEnum
- [Cyclos4102Api.Us