Cypress plugin to generate json data from JSONNET files
✨ Description
plugin is designed to auto generate cypress test definition and payload using jsonnet templates.
Core Ideas :
- Eliminate duplication with object-orientation
- Keep common data models in jsonnet file
- Share and extend the models according to your user needs
- Balance the logic between jsonnet and Cypress specs, e.g keep simple branching of positive and negative test cases only
- Few things to note: Jsonnet is hermetic: It always generates the same data no matter the execution environment. The addition of the native function was to support random data so we can generate idempotent payload for each test run.
Dynamic test case generation can be advantageous and must have native support for randomizing specific properties for the test payload. Jsonnet offers a solution to this by providing support for native methods extension, allowing for customization according to individual requirements.
Quick overview about Jsonnet
Jsonnet is a configuration language for application and tool developers developed by Google.
| Core ideas | ... | | -------- | ------- | | Generate config data | Open source (Apache 2.0) | | Side-effect free | Familiar syntax | | Organize, simplify, unify | Reformatter, linter | | Manage sprawling config | Editor & IDE integrations | | simple extension of JSON | Formally specified |
🚀 How to use this plugin for Cypress testing?
Pre-requisite : Make sure you have these softwares
- Golang
- node js
- VS Code
- Go-Jsonnet
go install
Create folder where you like to test this plugin.
Open your favorite terminal window and cd to the folder
Init Node project
npm init -y
Install Cypress
npm install cypress
Install TypeScript
npm install -g typescript
Install this plugin
npm install cy-jsonnet
Open Cypress
npx cypress open
- This will create required cypress folders and config files
Add tsconfig.json to project
tsc --init
Open VS Code
code .
- Edit
- Edit
import { interpretJsonnet } from "cy-jsonnet";
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import * as path from 'path';
const jsonnetFolder: string = "jsonnet";
const testDefinitionFolder: string = "testDefinition";
const testDataFolder: string = "testData";
let jsonnetPath = path.join('./cypress/support/', jsonnetFolder);
let testDefinitionPath = path.join('./cypress/fixtures/', testDefinitionFolder);
let testDataPath = path.join('./cypress/fixtures/', testDataFolder);
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on("before:run", (details) => {
interpretJsonnet(jsonnetPath, '**/*.jsonnet', testDefinitionPath, false);
on("before:spec", (spec) => {
interpretJsonnet(jsonnetPath, `**/*${spec.fileName}*.jsonnet`, testDataPath, true);
return config;
experimentalRunAllSpecs: true,
experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: true
- Edit
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2021",
"lib": ["es2021", "dom"],
"moduleResolution": "node",
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"types": ["cypress", "node", "@cypress/grep"],
"strictNullChecks": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
"@fixtures/*": ["cypress/fixtures/*"],
"@support/*": ["cypress/support/*"]
"include": ["**/*.ts", "**/*.js"],
- Now your Cypress test setup is ready to configure dynamic test example using this plugin.
- Create a new file "cypress\e2e\"
import * as testInfo from "@fixtures/testDefinition/person.json";
before(() => {
describe("Cypress Dynamic Tests Positive Scenario Examples", () => {
testInfo.positiveScenarios.forEach((testMetaData, index) => {
it(testMetaData.testDefinition.scenario, { tags: testMetaData.testDefinition.tags }, function (data: any = this.testData.positiveScenarios[index].testData) {
// Add your test logic here
describe("Cypress Dynamic Tests Negative Scenario Examples", () => {
testInfo.negativeScenarios.forEach((testMetaData, index) => {
it(testMetaData.testDefinition.scenario, { tags: testMetaData.testDefinition.tags }, function (data: any = this.testData.negativeScenarios[index].testData) {
// Add your test logic here
- Add required jsonnet and libsonnet files for using standard pattern
- Add libsonnet file "cypress\support\jsonnet\lib\utils.libsonnet"
testDefinition(fileName, scenario, tags=[])::
scenario: scenario,
testIdentifier: std.md5(fileName+scenario),
tags: tags + [self.testIdentifier],
- Add libsonnet file "cypress\support\jsonnet\lib\models.libsonnet"
Person(firstName=std.native("fake")("{firstname}"),lastName=std.native("fake")("{lastname}"), ssn=std.native("fake")("{ssn}"), address={})::
person: {
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
address: address,
Address(city='bellevue', state=std.native('fake')('{state}'))::
city: city,
state: state,
- Add sample jsonnet files "cypress\support\jsonnet\person.jsonnet"
local model = import './lib/models.libsonnet';
local utils = import './lib/utils.libsonnet';
local DynamicTest(definition={}, data={}) = {
testDefinition: definition,
testData: if std.extVar('generateTestData') == 'true' then data else {},
positiveScenarios: [
// Person
definition=utils.testDefinition(fileName=std.thisFile,scenario='Verify person entity can be created with empty address', tags=['sanity', 'person']),
definition=utils.testDefinition(fileName=std.thisFile,scenario='Verify person is created with name=joe', tags=['sanity', 'regression']),
negativeScenarios: [
definition=utils.testDefinition(fileName=std.thisFile,scenario='Verify person failed with empty firstname', tags=['regression', 'sanity']),
definition=utils.testDefinition(fileName=std.thisFile,scenario='Verify person failed when ssn in null or empty', tags=['regression']),
- Now we can see how dynamic test and data from jsonnet can load into
- Run 🏃
npx cypress open --e2e
- Select
- To use Cypress grep plugin
- Install
npm install @cypress/grep
- Add these lines to
import registerCypressGrep from '@cypress/grep'
- This will help with running using grep tags
npx cypress run --env grepTags="sanity"
- More examples @cypress/grep
📜 Use all the supported features of jsonnet and gofakeit.
🤝 Contribution
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. Please email your ideas to us.
👤 Sumit Agarwal BD :email: Personal :email:
👤 Anoop Sasi BD :email: Personal :email:
Code Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contributed.
- Kunal Nain BD :email:
- David Lukic-Hanomihl 📧
- Marko Kolasinac 📧
Show your support
If you find this useful please spread the words :thumbsup:
📝 License
This project is [MIT] licensed.
Special thanks 🙏
- go-jsonnet
- golang
- node js
- Cypress
- gofakeit
- cypress/grep