Material theme CSS styles for Cx applications
Material Theme
This is a package that enables Material Design like appearance for the CxJS framework. Take a look at the theme preview and compare it to the other themes here.
In order to use the theme, install its npm package:
npm install cx-theme-material
Import theme's JavaScript. If you want material design label and validation behavior, do the following:
import { enableMaterialLabelPlacement, enableMaterialHelpPlacement } from "cx-theme-material";
otherwise, just import the theme:
import "cx-theme-material";
Then, import theme styles from the package by adding the following snippet to one of your SCSS files:
// theme variables can be overridden here
@import "~cx-theme-material/src/variables";
// theme state-style-maps can be overridden here, before importing css
@import "~cx-theme-material/src/index";
// add custom CSS here
If you are using cx-scaffold
to start, be sure to replace the line under the comment inside config/webpack.config.js
//add here any ES6 based library
include: /[\\\/](app|cx|cx-react)[\\\/]/,
with the following:
//add here any ES6 based library
include: /[\\\/](app|cx|cx-react|cx-theme-material)[\\\/]/,
Finally, don't forget to add material icons
to your project, as described here.
To learn more about Cx styling and how to customize it, click here.